8|One Soul

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A very short update 🙄
Hope you don't mind 🙌
I'm trying my best to update every story, you know 💁

Enjoy reading 🤗


A night of revelations! Aditya never had imagined the day he would back his father, understand him completely. A shrill pain pricked him at the past that he spent in loneliness; he did not deserve that. The question he gritted, could not he tell Pihu about her real mother? Did he ever stop anyone? No! The man was completely invisible, yet, a suffocating presence he should have acknowledged. When sleep deprived him that night, a blanket of guilty covering, he realized how wrong he was; it did not make him dislike his mother an ounce. Her absence made him overlook whatever happiness was present; it was his fault.

"I'm so sorry, papa." He mumbled; the apology would not make a difference for the broken man. He knew. Keeping everything aside, he still could not gather the meaning of his behavior; he says he loves his mother, then why? It was a vision that blurred all along, he could barely envisage.

"Good morning, papa." Aditya smiled bright at his father who was nowhere better than the past days. What coursed between his parents was still a mystery he could never lose interest to figure out. Nevertheless, he is just a kid

Surprised, Raman halted for a split second, clipping the cuff-links as he made his way out of the house. It seemed he dropped the idea of getting back to his mother; he mused agonized by them getting separated forever. Not after how much they are trying to be together; he could see it all. The hurt, the love, and the dreams they weaved together in the past. It is their second chance; he did not want them to give up on each other for anything, anyone, even themselves.

"He must be going to her." The suspicious vixen sniffed after him. His eyes did sure fix a moment on the doorway to the witch's home, where she must be shredding pretentious tears, or making spells to seduce him into her bed yet again; Shagun thought grudgingly. It was early; he did not want to enter her premises first thing in the morning, and crumble her down after she had somehow pieced her together. She sighed when he made his way straight out of the building. "So it's over." She thought satisfied; no plotting or threatening, they are over for this life!

Sitting in the car, he could not find his breath. It was uneven; he needed to see her. Was she alright? She must be; she has to be, at least to bite his throat out every time they meet. Her image from the days died, made him die; she was withered like a fallen leaf. Her eyes swollen, wounded, so was her very soul that he could see through. He made her feel so vulnerable by his lack of...control...over his irrevocable love for her; she was the outlet he needed to pass the overwhelming desire; she mirrored it, but, she was not in her senses. Only if he did stick to his conscience, she would have been as feisty as she used to be from when she came back to his life.

You cannot judge him. It was a moment, their moment, he could not retract, or never would he wish to. There was this longing, the itch to go close to her, ever since she returned. He felt betrayed at first, when he saw her alive, but there was nothing more than just anger; anger that always put hindrances in their relationship. Thought there could be a resolution, whenever she barged into his life like a repetition of old times, giving him the pleasure to enjoy her every move; she was something special he would always have his eyes fixed on, no matter what annoyance she creates.

Until! Until, the girl who claims to be her daughter broke the news of her getting married to Abhimanyu Raghav. He would not deny he declared his impending marriage with Shagun Arora; a kid would understand how fake it sounded. She was with him for seven years; he tried to get her married to anyone, who is a no one. However, a wicked snake only knows how to strangle its prey without it realizing it is trapped. That was his situation; he found himself trapped in his own fake-promises! 

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