9|One Again

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Here's the last part 😭
I completed a story, I can't believe this!
Anyways, this is also a short part but has things needed to be shown ❤

Hope you've enjoyed the story so far ❤


There was no trace of hatred. Something about the way he breathed screamed he could not take it anymore. He could no more be the culprit, and tolerate the pain; at least a smile would do, or just a glance of assurance. "It's all because, I thought you're mine." He whispered, kneeling down as his head dropped down, utter failure the Raman Kumar Bhalla appeared. "I was dying to hold you. My ego didn't let me do it when you're in your complete sense, and, when you...you were so close to, looking at me like you used to, I couldn't help but...I admit, I shouldn't have..." 

Words died, she gathered herself to penetrate him by her sharp gaze. She was breaking down from within. The pain was intolerable, she could hear her heart breaking; she did not mean to fragment him. He was strong, for everyone; she thought would be forever. "You left me there, like a slut!" She could not hold her tongue; those slipped out like a whimper, he captured well enough. "I was scared." He did not make any sense now. Creasing her eyes, she knelt down cupping his face. "Raman...?" A sigh that was his name as she engulfed him in a hug, still finding it hard to decipher his meaning. 

"I was scared of nothing, but you." She could not believe what she heard. "I pushed you to death, and when you came back, I wasn't happy even if it was pretentious. You saw a me who was fake, and you failed to define me like you used to do in the past. You changed, and I thought was better I do the same and move on. But this bile in my throat..." He touched his throat as if something is choking him; she caressed his face and ran her hand on his chest to calm him down. What was going on was a blurry vision slowly getting vivid on its own. "...is painful, I can't handle. It's like I was dying each moment without you. I felt like a cur that should be left to die, because I'm such a pitiful life that couldn't even gather the guts to beg pardon." 

When he caressed her cheeks, she closed her eyes in contentment. The sparks were still the same; it brought pieces of memories, flooding her heart, she wanted to forget, now shaking her blissfully. Her temple tingled under his lips, pressing hard and cold it stayed forever, as she bore his tears. "I suppose my life will end apologizing to you, for I've never treated you well mostly." He knew it, as he chuckled humorlessly. "Let me explain," He parted, leaning forward moving his hands animatedly as she looked on curious. "...Shagun is nobody. She's nothing. She's nothing to do with me, or our kids. You get that?" She nodded trying to wipe the grin off her teary face. 

"I never intended to make a mess of everything by bringing her into our home." He sure learned to use the appropriate words, so far; she hummed as he leaned back on the sofa, bringing her close-fit on his side. "She was invisible throughout these years. I never had a rapport with anyone at home, somewhat including Pihu. But, Pihu is different..." A dreamy smile fell on his face that she admired. "She's my only solace, because she's your presence in my life. She was a reminder of what I lost, but I followed what you taught me; I learned to love." Her eyes welled up, leaning on his shoulder, she hiccuped. There was so much to talk, they would take it to the end of their life, but never end, nor would they give up on each other. Not again. 

Taking a leap to hug each other was needy. He could not stop from taking in the smell of her, as he crushed her, making her breathless, but she did not mind. The feeling was beyond everything. "I don't want to lose you again, Ishita." He murmured into her wet hair. "Give me another chance..." He was not certain if she will. Nonetheless, he decided it should be the last time he grovel at her feet, and perturb her existence by his constant knock. "Just another chance."

Silence clouded them. Her eyes closed, tears dropping down her flushed cheeks. Even when those eyes were concealed, they were still a mirror to her heart. Those displayed love, as her lips curved up. Unsure he stayed; he could lest think about assuming and making a move that could go wrong. "You're going to love me more then." She sighed laughing as fresh tears formed, soaking her glowing skin, while he gawked her in awe. "You're going to love me a lot...!" That was when she opened her eyes that he loves to behold until eternity. Her arms thrown around his neck, lips placed on the curve of his lips, spaces strangled between them, a moment he thought would not happen this lifetime. 

He took his time lax into the embrace so intimate, so pure, and passionate. She had kissed him after ages! A kiss in her full sense, which tasted saccharine, as he moved in to get its fulsome. The void slowly filling by the warmth of her closeness, he smiled completely. It felt like his facial muscles were stretched for good, after a long time, though it did not feel odd, when she parted to rub her nose on his. "I'm going to love you so much!" He grinned, pulling her closer by her waist. Her giggles filled the room, as he nuzzled her neck. "Yes, please." She sighed caressing his scalp. 

No turning back, or assessing each other's deed. The woman plotting to get what is hers can do that forever, but what belongs to her remains as it is. Raman was hers, always been, and she had never imagined a day she would lose him; not when she is alive. Nobody can blame her if she felt possessive, she needed answers, she wished to clear the air, and acted contradicting her heart. It was fear of rejection she underwent, so was him. Not again. What sparked off will blossom into something beautiful. It was time relish each other until forever. 

"Pihu loves you." He mumbled pecking her the nth time. "I know she does." She nodded. "Is it just me who should always remind you that I love you, Madrasan?" His eyes narrowed. Gurgling at the faces he made, she ruffled his hair. She could hear footsteps nearing her doorway! It must be her daughter; she could wait until she musters the heart to accept her mother completely. She could wait, because she so felt strong again, after eons, because he was there. It was as simple as an out-pour that has the power to either refresh or destroy. 


Do vote and kindly leave your feedback both negative and positive. I don't want to dwell on the many relationships that haven't got enough space. It's solely about IshRa, and I believe it's complete 🙏

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