Chapter four

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                    SUMMER BREAK I

It's been minutes maybe hours since i sat here just looking out the window , i gave a slow sigh  looking  at the dark streets to the edge of the woods seeing if i could catch a glimpse of the black golden eyed wolf that always seem to follow me ev...

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It's been minutes maybe hours since i sat here just looking out the window , i gave a slow sigh looking at the dark streets to the edge of the woods seeing if i could catch a glimpse of the black golden eyed wolf that always seem to follow me ever since  my parents died, strange thing is it never came close and i never saw it back at home, in New Jersey.
I frowned wishing to see it, even though it never came close or somehow magically spoke. still it gave me that sense of comfort like i it wasn't just me myself and in this damn world.
I laughed realizing just how stupid i sound.

Just as i was about to take my eyes of the streets and go to bed a slight movement at the edge of the woods caught my eyes,
Quickly i dragged the window up and on bended knees i peered down at the street, that's when i saw it.
Then it did something it has never done..

"It howled" a deep nerve wrecking inhuman sound. Causing my hairs to stand up. It sent a shiver down my spine, then it came out of the woods with its magnanimous size and starred so intently at me with eyes that almost looked human.

What breed wolf is this i thought as i stared in awe. Half terrified half anxious, I spoke to it not knowing if it could understand me.
"Hello " I coo-ed softly.
If i had blinked then i would have missed it
It nods, a little shake of it's head, almost not there Suprise and curious i drew closer and  i pressed on.

Do you feel lonely too? Is that why you follow me?  No answer. Do you have a pack? Where's your family? It gave a low grow, i jumped, moving back a little out of fright.
Then it turned and disappeared back into the woods.

Odd! i thought blinking from the sudden leap, sitting back down on my bed,
Yes Maeisha Jasmine Bolton Odd indeed. But isn't that what describes your life right now, i smiled as i lay in bed my arm tucked under my head. Well looks like your on your own from now on i say welcoming sleep.


I woke up to a loud bang. Groaning i got up from bed, the sunrise blinding me. Wondering where the heck the sound was coming from, i gently walked around, trying to turn on the light switch mumbling curses as slipped on something and stumbled across the board.
I fell to my buttocks, palms touching the floor.
I grumbled bitterly as i got up again wondering where the bang was coming from.

Bang! there's that sound again i thought. Someone  was knocking outside but who? It was still so early in the day, i glanced at the table clock it was 6:30,am. The banging got louder as i stepped closer, Finally locating the switch i turned it on,moving my gaze down,that's when i noticed a silhouette cast under the door.
I stepped back clutching my beating heart,Who could be at the door so early? and why?

Yelling on top of the noise, Who is it?! I asked When no answer came i tried again this time nervous but my voice came out surprisingly calm. Who's there? i called again, the banging only increased now forceful like who ever was at the other side was trying to rip the door open.
I backed up against the wall as quick as my reflexes allowed, so many thoughts running through my mind. limp with fear, I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the worst, my breath caught in my throat.

Seconds later i opened my eyes slowly to silence the silhouette gone.

Deciding it was time to go back home enough weirdness for one night. I packed my bags 2 hours later and headed out. Time to go back to crazy new jersey.
Gently i opened the door, heart in my mouth. Nervously slipped out trying not to make any noise.
I sprinted down the hall just in case something or someone was  lurking outside or waiting to harm me.

I got to the airport 20 minutes later.

Since my flight was leaving in a hour, so i settled right in, Ear Pods in, music on ,lost in my own world. Not everything was bad after all.

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