Chapter eight- Surprise

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                     Chapter 8. Surprise

As the street went back to its quiet hum

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As the street went back to its quiet hum.
Without the police sirens, and prying neighbours.
I was left alone with my thoughts after hours of questioning that didn't help me, i made my way to my bed.

I don't know how long laid in bed.
I starred into nothingness wondering what just happened, I stayed like that for a long time until
The doorbell rang snapping me out of my daze.
Still in a daze like state I hurried after the door.

I opened the door to a woman, her back was turned to me 'hello' I called.

She turned around and i could have sworn my heart stopped beating 'Aunty Monica?"is that you?! I stated in disbelief. 'hello child, may i pls come in' she answered,smiling sweetly.

My jaw dropped, not sure if i could make any meaningful sentence, i simply nodded and move out of her way.
She walked in smiling widely, strange i thought.
I hadn't seen aunt Monica since the day we received news of my parents passing, what what she doing here? i thought to myself.

She never phoned or message yet here she was standing right in front of me.  I became suddenly skeptical about her visit. 

May I she asked gesturing to the living room. Ah yes where  are my manners i say taking her coat from her 'let me fix you coffee' I say as i stride to the kitchen faster than i ever had , i wanted nothing but distance between us, She called 'thank you' from the living room as i worked my way through coffee mixer.

'Here's your coffee' i mumbled handing it to her. I joined her on the couch sitting opposite to her.
She sat like that for awhile just gazing into her cup, then finally she lifted her head to study me 'how old are you now' she asked sipping coffee.
I turn 19 tomorrow, i replied in one breath. Nodding her head to herself like she was right about something she sipped more coffee ,not once tearing her gaze from the cup.
I turned my head to her deciding to study her.

Her skin was riddled with deep age lines and spots that old people seem to obtain, she was as pale as snow and the hand holding the mug trembled.
She looked older than i imagined.

I wanted to ask her if England didn't agree with her, or if she'd been sick, but taught better of it. Why did she come here..  I'm still uncertain about her return that's for sure. 

She mumbled something under her breath making me lift my head from my thoughts to look at her, 'what did you say Aunty ' I asked sort of dreadful.

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