Chapter Eight

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We walk for about an hour. I look down at Lily in my arms. I notice something strange about her: Her eyes have no end. What I mean is that her eyes look like a bottomless pit. Her pupils just go on forever and ever. My eyes are locked onto Lily's. The Voice comes back: Please, please help me! This body is not mine! I am not suppose to be in this form. Liliana, I! I don't know what this means! Is Lily the Voice?  Nate shakes my shoulders. "Liliana, are you okay?" 

I break my gaze from Lily's eyes. In shock, I drop Lily. "Liliana are you in there?" Nate asks with more worry.

All I can see are blurs, blurs everywhere. Soon, my eyesight drops. I can't here anything, except for the Voice saying, Are you, or are you not? Are you the One?  I have no answers. Before I know it, I black out.

This time, I have a dream: A man, with long black hair, standing on a green, grassy hill. There is a spear in his right hand. He raises it. All of a sudden, the green is poured out of the green hill. The ground turns black and is torn up. In it, there is a vivid shape of a horse-like figure. Centaur. The dream ends. I wake up and gasp for air. I wearily stand up. "YOU'RE AWAKE!" Nate rejoices. He launches forward and hugs me. He is not embarrassed this time. Instead, he squeezes so tight, I almost throw up. "T..o..o t....igh......t!" I try to say. 

"Oh yeah, sorry." His face turns dark grey.

"I'm fine."

"What was that? What happened? Are you okay?" Nate asks.

"Too many questions! First, I don't know what it was. I heard a voice calling me. Lily, I think she is not really a tiger, she was speaking to me! I felt faint. Second, what happened was: I looked into Lily's eyes and they seemed like they went on forever. Soon, I started to hear the Voice. Then I felt faint and blacked out. Third, I don't know if I am okay!" I speak fast.

"The Voice?" Nate asks. "What is the Voice?"

Before I answer, Cedric says "I think you are asking too many questions!"

"Sorry. I was just worried!" Nate says.

I just now think of something, "Um, Nate?"

"Yes?" He looks at me anxiously.

"Are you a.........Uh, Christian, like do you believe in Jesus?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" Nate says.

"Cool! I am, too!" I say.

All of a sudden, I realize something: If I am in a forest, why am i not turning into a centaur? I ask myself. "Uh, you know that whole me turning into centaur when I go into the forest thing?" In ask Cedric. 

"No?" Cedric says confused.

"Oh, I guess I never told you that! Well, whenever I go into the forest, I turn into a centaur."

"That explains a lot!" Cedric says.

"But what I don't get is that, I am in a forest right now, but I am not turning into a centaur!" I say.

"That is because without color, this forest cannot hold magic inside of it. No color, no magic."


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