Chapter 1:Through the Portal

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It is the day of my 13th birthday. I'm not having a party or anything. I'm just going to hang out by myself in the garden, like always. I headed towards the garden, with a book. It was my favorite book of all time. It is called 'Alice in Wonderland'. I sat down under an apple tree and started to read. Only minutes later, there was a glowing light out of the corner of my eye. I set down my book and stood up. I walked around a couple of trees until I found the light. It was a large circle. It was glowing a light blue color. I walked towards the portal-like object. Cool air was coming out of it. I reached a hand forward. A tentacle-like object came out of it and pulled me in.


 I felt as if I was going down a toilet. I was spinning around and around and around. It went on for quite a while. When I landed, I landed next to a large bucket. I was sitting in a grassy field. There was nothing around me except fo the grass. Inside the bucket, there was a cape. It was neon orange, like a construction workers' vest.

I stood up, leaving the cape in the bucket. I didn't get even 10 feet away from the bucket, when I hit, what I guessed was, a force field. I pushed against it, until I remembered the cape. I grabbed the cape, putting it on. I walked towards the wall. When I got to it, I easily stepped through. The force field was gone. And I was in Wonderland.

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