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" understand, im not who you think i am or who i say i am. "


'Write about someone who gave up. Why is it important to Stay Strong instead of giving up? How do you stay strong? How would you give up? What problems do you have going on?'

This essay was one of those papers where I could express myself. Knowing that only my professor would be reading this made me comfortable.

I turned around and looked at the boy next to me. He was a quiet one. The boy sat next to me for the first time. No one sits next to me. I don't have a clue why. It was my first day in this class.

"How many pages is this?" I asked the guy who's name I didn't recall, gently.

"Uh, about 10." He said not looking up from whatever he was doing.

He had a pencil in his hand. It seemed as if he was sketching. His hands were covered like they were the other times I had saw him. But for the first time, I could see him closely. His sleeves were so long that they reached almost to his fingers.

"Thank you...?" I stretched out, hoping that he would tell me his name.

"Louis." He answered.

"Amarelle. But call me Ama." I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

I soon felt a paper being thrown at the back of my head, and snickers along with it. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on my professor instead of the hurtful voices.

"Okay class, so you guys are going to write me a rough draft. The year has just started so this will be a big part of your grade final grade. 40 percent. It will be due after break, which is 2 weeks. You have 14 days so don't waste time," Professor Payne paused and handed out papers,"these are your outlines. I suggest you use them because they help a lot. I gave them to you now so you can get some work done before you go to your vacations or whatever. You may be dismissed."

I gathered my stuff and put them into my bag. I'm always the last one out.

"Ama, there seems to be a notebook and the outline on the desk next to you." Professor Payne called out just as I was about to leave the room.

"Oh, they're Louis', I'll see if he's outside." I smiled at my Professor and grabbed the items off the desk, leaving the room.

I looked around the halls for Louis and finally sighted him outside in the front. He was going through something's on his laptop.

"Uh, hey." I sat down next to Louis putting my bag down.

"Hello." He smiled, but something behind his smile felt weird to me. It seemed almost fake.

"You left this behind." I grabbed his notebook, or sketchbook, and handed it to him.

"Oh thank you." He said and quickly put the notebook away.

"Also this." I laughed and gave him his outline.

"Oh, wow I'm really disorganized." He chuckled.

Just as I was about to speak, a harsh beeping interrupted me.

"Uh, got to go!" He gave me a rushed sorry as he quickly grabbed his stuff, running to the constantly beeping car.

"See you later.." I mumbled as he got into his car. I heard some yelling and the car drifting off.

'Might as well get into my car,' I thought to myself. It was getting late outside.

I took out my iPhone to check the time.

4:34 p.m.

I sighed and quickly got into my car. I didn't have anything to do. I didn't know what to do, to be honest. I lived alone. I had no one waiting for me at home, no one to have to care for if anything happened.

I made a sharp turn down the road where my house was which is a good 10 minutes from the college.

As I got out of the car, I took a deep breath.

I hope the voices weren't waiting on me.







Rough Draft|tomlinson a.uWhere stories live. Discover now