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" and when you love till you love for me like harmony, a never ending dream, oh well, oh well, I still hope for the best. say good bye and send me off with a kiss farewell. i promise I will be as strong as I can be. "

-oh well, oh well by Mayday Parade



I noticed the time as my watch began beeping, knowing its time to get up and go to class.

I was already dressed and had about 20 minutes to get to school. I lived very close so I'd get there in 10 and have 10 to myself but I don't want to sit alone.

I'm terrified of standing alone but I'm so used to it that I forgot the feeling of being surrounded by people.

Every days the same. I fight to find my way. I hurt. I break. And I wonder how I've become like this.

Sometimes, I think so much that I forget where I am, forget what I'm doing, and just escape from the world and think about things that could've been happening instead of what's happening now if I never made that first step into becoming who am now. I regret all of it. Everything.

But I did that to make myself happy. And each day is a struggle.

I walked outside and saw Ama struggle to get down her steps. My eyebrows furrowed together as I ran to her, afraid she would fall.

"Ama are you drunk?!" I said as I grabbed ahold of her sprawled across the floor.

She said some indescribable words and I figured she was very drunk.

I picked her up and took her inside, trying to find which room was hers. I finally found it and placed her onto her bed. She got herself comfortable and I found her in a deep sleep.

I thought of staying incase she would wonder how she got there. I stayed on the chair next to her bed and looked around the room. I saw broken glasses on the wall and another bottle of alcohol by her bed. This girl was a alcoholic.

Every time I would look at her, I would find her smiling and just minding her business. She seemed so happy and unbroken. How was I supposed to know that she was a straight up alcoholic?

I shouldn't be saying anything because you really can't judge a person by their appearance and I've just learned that people aren't who they seem they are.

My eyes wandered more around her room. It was neat and I looks son her desk. She had her laptop with her word document on the screen and some writing. It was probably her essay for our English class. I thought of looking at it but it seemed ride because she could have personal things on it.

I was skipping my class so that I can explain why this drunk girl is laying across her bed? I don't know why I was doing this but she did deserve a explanation. I couldn't just disappear. Well, I have been very good at invisibility.

Anyways, no one would notice that I wasn't even in class. It'd be okay.

My head snapped to Ama as she mumbled some things in her sleep.

"Help me. Help. Please save me from here." She yelled as she moved her hands around.

My heart was beating as fast as it could as I watched this girl move and sweat and cry in her sleep.

I thought of waking her up but then again, it would look wrong and plus, never wake up a drunk person.

I soon found my self dazing off into a nap.


"What are you doing in here?!" She yelled as I woke up and then remembered what happened.

I quickly got up.

"No, let me explain. You were coming to class I guess, and I got out of my house and saw you on the floor drunk and I brought you in your house and put you on your bed and I thought I should come in and be the one to tell you when you wake up so you wouldn't be confused. I'm sorry if I looked wrong but don't worry I was here the whole time." I said as I put my hands up in surrender. She was finally sober.

I looked at the time and it was 11;00.

"Oh..I'm sorry to put you through that trouble. You could've just left me alone." She said as her shoulders tensed.

"I wouldn't let you drive in the condition you were in."

"Why would it matter to you?"

"Because I'd feel like it would be my fault for leaving you like that." I replied.

"Oh. Uh, I'm sorry." She said again looking up.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. But what I can't understand is why you would be drunk in the middle of the morning." I chuckle a little. I was surprised by my confidence.

"Long story." She said and looked back down to her lap.

"I've got time, if you want to tell me?" I said knowing I had nothing to do.

"I wouldn't want to waste your time even if you don't have anything to do." She laughed.

"I think you should go back to sleep. You must have a major hangover, eh?" I asked and got up.

"Yeah a big one."

"I'll go get you some pills if you want?" I asked knowing that she would probably do the same for me.

"If it's okay with you. Uh go to the kitchen and it's in the first drawer but the fridge on the right." She told me as she sent a small smile. Or what seemed like a smile.

I went to her kitchen and looked into the drawer. There were many different kinds of pills. Dozens of pain killers, all typed of depression meds, mostly every drug to ease pain and help you go to sleep. I took an Advil and then opened her fridge. I saw some food and a tiny vodka pack. I took the water jug and poured it in a cup. I put it back and walked back, wondering what all the reasons must be that led her to drinking this much.

I gave it to her as she smiled and took it.

"I should go." I said.

"Thank you." She said in a small voice.

"Anytime.." I nervously said and scratched my neck. I quickly got out of her room and out of her house. A bit of me felt guilty for leaving her all alone in the condition she was in but I had to.

I quickly crossed the street and int my house.

I tried to escape as quietly as I could but I got caught.

"Where the fuck were you?" He said as I slowly turned around to see him with a bottle of vodka and a slinky smirk.

"I-i got held up in the library at school. I had to finish some research." I said quickly and tried to escape.

"You're such a stupid nerd. Actually thinks he's going to be something. Tsk, tsk, tsk, kiddo." He laughed and I quickly went upstairs.

My feet dragged me to my closet as I changed into some pajamas and took my shirt off. I then sat on my window seat and looked out into the fresh air.

I found my eyes move to Ama's window as a light went on. I could see her shadow through her beige curtains. I watched her hands take her shirt off and out on another. And then I saw her take her pants off and put on some shorts.

I found my self watching her and then turned away as I saw her freeze and look towards here.

Wow, my creepy side has just been released. I got up and closed my curtains and got into bed.

I can't sleep.

Insomniacs lullaby.



Anyways, whatever I write, I write how I feel. Everything from this story is how I feel. This is how I like to express myself into writings.

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twitter; @wickedziam :)


bye penis ily

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