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" your heart is pure. my heart is full of hatred. leave! "

warning this is a really short chapter not edited either hehe + the italics are flashbacks !!


• a m a •

The next morning was like any other morning. I had work and then college, not that interesting but it's what I do on a daily basis.

"Ugh." I groaned as I rubbed my eyes from the screeching sun light.

My eyes wandered around my closet to see what I would wear under the uniform. I worked at a cute little shop just around the corner, Yum Yums. It was a pizza place as well. I wore a flowy dress up to my knee and wore some shorts underneath in case the wind was bad today. I saw a picture of him as I started brushing my hair on my dresser. I sighed and turned the picture over before I messed up my makeup, even though it was waterproof.


"What?" She laughed as the boy played with her fingers. She was so happy, her face full of purity and happiness.

"I just feel like playing with you." He replied as a smile crept onto her face.

"God Michael, you're too much." She continued giggling as the two best friends got up and started to cross the street. "Wait Michael, I have to tie my shoe."

"Let's go back on the side walk." He said and they went back on the grass. "Wouldn't it be lovely if I was a superman?"

"No." She laughed and stared at him and he continued to laugh with her.

Everything was perfect.

"I have to go, love. I'll sneak in your window tonight." He said and they did their signature handshake as they parted ways.

She entered her house. Her mom kissed her on the forehead as well as her dad. Their relationship wasn't even a sibling bond, it was a real friendship. She went straight to the bed after eating dinner and having normal conversations with her family.

The next morning, her mom woke her up.

"What happened?"

"We have to go to the hospital right now." She said hurriedly and took out a random shirt and sweats. The girl didn't even question her mother because she had gotten the idea that this was important so she pulled on the clothes and went into the car joining her little brother and big brother as well as her dad.

"Mom what's happening?" She asked as the dead silence irked her.

"Michael had an accident honey." She gulped as her dad drove faster.

"W-what? What kind if accident?"she said as her whole body shattered.

"He's going to be fine honey, I promise you." Her dad said as low as a whisper.

Michael had been her best friend since year 1 and they have been inseparable.

As they reached the hospital, she rushed to Michaels room.

"Michael?!" She whisper-yelled as she saw her best friend lying on the hospital bed.

"Hes in critical condition." The doctor said with sorrow eyes.

"H-how did this even happen?" She sobbed as she fell to the ground holding his hand.

"He was calling for you." The doctor said, "he got into a big accident on Halestone Bridge."

"Can we have a moment?" She wiped the tears off her face as the doctor and his family had left as well as Michael's.

She felt a squeeze on her hand and her eyes perked up.

"Michael you may not hear this but I want you to know that I love you so much. If I lose you, I will lose my self."

And then the only thing after, another squeeze, she heard the dead line of the hospital heart monitor...


I made my way down the steps of my house and looked at my neighbor across the street. He looked awfully familiar. He turned his face and I got a better sight of him. Louis?








okay guys so this was short and I am so sorry like I'm not even fucking happy with it and it makes me so sad omfg I am sorry but wow I have 18 reads but it's not that much and idc anymore about reads I just hope you enjoy it but this was a filler for the next chapter it's gonna be amaze balls omfg Ly bye


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