Chapter Two

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John had helped me get my things out of his car.

As I was struggling to get my bag that I was carrying in the house I saw that there was this huge banner that read 'Welcome to the Family!'

I dropped my bag right there where I was standing and just ran towards the nearest door that I saw.

Which happen to be a bathroom. Lucky for me I guess.

As I was sitting on the floor beside the tub crying realizing that my mom was dead and that she was never, ever coming back I heard the door opening.

A small brunette girl walked in.

She took a seat on the edge of the tub.

"Hi, you don't know me, And I don't know you. But I have a feeling that we are gonna be good friends. My name is Seana. I have no idea why you ran away like that. But if you wanna tell me then I am here to listen." She said to me.

She seemed like the most nicest girls ever to know. I guess my so called brother was really nice to have a girl like her.

"Well I guess I saw the word family on that huge banner that was crazy hard to miss. And Well I realized that the only family that I have ever known is gone. And she isn't coming back. And I just honestly don't know how to take that." I opened up to her, and it felt really good for once.

"I have known the Posey's for a while now. They are really good people. I promise. And I have a feeling that you are gonna fit right in."

I stood up and gave her a really tight hug.

"Well I am gonna back out there. Why don't you just give yourself a minute. Everyone is so excited to finally meet you." She said and then she walked away

I washed my face for a good minute. I didn't want these people thinking that I was crying.

I gathered my thought up, just like Seana had told me. And I walked out there with a huge smile on my face.

They were all sitting down eating dinner already. There was an open chair for me between Seana and Tyler. I just sat in my chair as quiet as possible.

"So Azalea? How old are you?" Cyndi, John's wife, had asked me.

"I am 16, a sophomore."

"Oh hey, Jesse is just a little older than you." She said


Dinner had went pretty well. I only had few questions that I had to answer.

Which to me sounded pretty good.

"Jesse, can you show your sister to her room?" John asked.

"Actually dad, can I do it?" Tyler asked

"Yeah sure, I am gonna help your mother with the cleaning of the dining room."

I followed Tyler to a room.

The room he led me to was really simple. Just a bed and a tv, there was some white christmas lights along the wall by the bed, it gave the room a girly feel I suppose.

"I just wanted to ask you if you would like to hang out with My friend Dylan and I tomorrow sometime. Seana will be there."

"Umm, I suppose. I don't really have much to do tomorrow. Thank you for inviting me." I told him

"Well it was actually Seana who mentioned it, I believe that she likes you a lot. Maybe one day you and her can just hang out?"

"yeah that would be fun." I told him

"Well Seana should be here to come and get and then she will bring you to where Dylan and I will be. Have a good night."

Before he left he gave me this huge brotherly hug.

I could tell that he loved me, already. And he didn't even know my last name.


Not that long, hope its not totally horrible. I kind of already have a plan for everything, I just have to write it all down.

The photo to the side is some of the stuff in the house.


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