Chapter Eleven

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When I yelled at Tyler I could tell that he was hurting. I know that he loves me. And that he wanted to get to know me but I was just seriously sick and tired of him being so over protective.

My whole life I have had to grow up and now everyone and everything in a 5 mile radius is treating me like a child.

I hadn't spoken to Seana, Crystal or Holland since the Dylan incident.

They all had tried to call me. The only one seems to not trying to talk to me was Dylan.

Maybe he found some girl that doesn't have a big protective brother like me.

I have been hanging around Kenneth more. Like he is literally my only friend.

We are singing a song together in the talent show. We are singing Stay by Rihanna and Mikky Ekko.

So Kenneth and I have been staying after school a lot later and he comes over to my house sometimes and we sing in my little recording studio that Cyndi set up for me.

My dad and Jessie don't really like Kenneth. Cyndi actually kind of likes him, kind of.

One time Tyler came over when we were practicing. Well we were actually just talking in the living room. We were joking around and Tyler looked at Kenneth with so much disgust.

I guess he doesn't want me with anyone. And honestly I don't care anymore.

Tonight is the talent show. I also have to do a dance to a song someone is singing. I came up with the dance. I think it was pretty beautiful. I have never been much of a dancer. Well when I went to visit my grandpa at work I would always dance on the stage. Singing has always been my passion but dancing would come into a close second.

"Azalea, 2 minutes then your up for the dance. You need to be out there at the same time as Jennie." The music teacher said

Jessie was the girl who was singing People Help the People by Birdy.

I was dressed in a white strapless lacy corset bra with a floral high waisted skirt. I had a jean jacket to cover up a bit. But at the last minute Jessie told me it would clash with her outfit so left it where I had it. I slipped on some spandex shorts before going out there. I did not want the whole school and who knows else to be spotting my lacy underwear I had on.

Then suddenly I was rushed out onto the stage and I was so freaking nervous and then the music started and the spotlight hit on me.

Then it started coming natural. I just remembered every move. And it felt so natural.

There was a spotlight on both Jessie and I. I guess it was up to the crowd who they looked at. I didn't even look at the crowd. I was afraid if I did then I would mess up and it would all be ruined.

We finally finished our song and the spotlights went off and I was rushed off the stage.

When I got backstage I saw Tyler. It was a big surprise.

"Tyler? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I was watching you out there. And well you were so freaking amazing, and I wanted to be the first face that you saw."

" You know that I am mad at you right?" I asked

"Yeah, but I was hoping that maybe we can forget about all that. I still don't approve of you and Dylan. But I miss my sister. Those first few days were so much. And Seana, Holland, and Crystal feel so bad. They did not think you would get so mad. They came here with me."

"How about after the show we all go out to eat."

"Yeah that sounds nice. Well I am gonna get back out there. I can't wait for your and Kenneth's song. I am so excited to see it. Best of luck."

Then he left to go find his seat.

Maybe I was pretty harsh on everyone.

I did feel pretty bad about that.

NOTE: I love that you guys are reading this. Bc i really enjoy writing this. I will write the rest tomorrow. I should get to sleep. Bc y'know i have school tomorrow. High school and such. The struggle of being a 16 year old girl. But the girl in the video that is what Azalea's body looks like. OKAI BYEEE

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