Chapter Fourteen

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Tyler's POV

"Seana!" I yelled.


"So I need you."

"I am pretty sure you don't get sexual activities by that phrase."

"NO, well I need that too but that is not what I mean. Its about Dylan and my sister."

"Did they finally get together?"

"No. Like she kind of told him that I didn't want them together. And Dylan told her maybe I was right. And well she thought he was rejecting her. So now he is all sad and I guess now Azalea is probably turning to That kaleb guy."

"His name is actually Kenneth and you are so wrong to tell her that they shouldn't be together. They are literally perfect for each other and probably meant for each other."

"Well I sort of see that now."


"Well I realized that my sister is a beautiful women. Not a women but you know what I mean. I mean everyone is in this family. Well not a women, but beautiful."

"Anyways, to the point Tyler."

"Right! Well she is gonna be with someone. And I would so rather her be with Dylan that Kenneth guy she is with. He seems sketchy."

"Maybe you are just rooting for Dylan. Like in Teen Wolf. Stiles gets with That Malia girl in the mental hospital. I know you like Stydia. Maybe you are rooting Azalyn instead of Azaeth. Kenneth is a great guy but he isn't a Dylan.

Azalea's POV

"So would you like to stay tonight for dinner maybe?" I asked Kenneth.

"Like family dinner?"

"yeah, what do you say."
"Urm, I don't know. I am not exactly your families favorite person. They would probably much rather have Dylan over."

"Yeah probably but I like you better right now."

Dinner had came around and I swear Kenneth was given death stares from everyone at the table, even Cyndi and she actually likes him.

Dylan POV

I dialed Tyler's number.

I am at your dad's house. I am outside."

"I thought that you were going to your parents?" Tyler asked

"Yeah well They had to fly to Boston. Julia has something going on. I think they are meeting her boyfriend or something."

"Oh well I will be outside in a minute."

Then I hung up. A few minutes later someone walked out. As they got closer I realized that it was not Tyler.

It was Azalea. She was walking back inside when she saw me.

"No, please wait."

She walked over to me.

It was very dark but we were by the street where there was a lamp post.

"What Dylan?" I could tell that this was the very last place she wanted to be, and I was the last person that she even wanted to see.

I honestly had no idea what I was even going to say to her. I just felt it was the right thing to do to talk to her. And if I ever wantedd things to be okay, and I so very did, then I would have to talk to her.

"I wanted to say sorry."

"Is that all?"

"You need to know that I was not by any means rejecting you."

"Well you basically told me not to even think about you romantically. Which for me is hard. I don't even know why, it just is."

"I only did what was best for the situation. What I thought was best."

"I think that you are scared of getting close to someone. Like really close. You make jokes and laugh at everything. But I bet you are really lonely. You see everyone around you having someone to call theirs. And you wonder where your somebody is. And then when I told you that I didn't wanna stop hanging out with you, you got scared. So you just thought the best thing was to deny yourself of what you think you wanted. You can't run away from your feeling forev - "

Then I just kissed her.

It stopped her from talking. Which I guess I really just wanted.

Her words had so much truth in them. And I guess I kind of hated it.

I know I like her. But I also know that I shouldn't.

But that kiss was perfect.

The kiss in the rain, my kiss in the rain.

Forbidden//Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now