Chapter Nine

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"Are you sure you want to do this right now. I understand if you don't. Your mom has only been gone for a week or so." Seana said

"No. I really want to do this. Do you think maybe I could just read it in my head and then if I get emotional you can read the rest to me?"

"Yes, of coarse. Do you have the letter?"

"I haven't let it leave my sight since I got it."

I grabbed it out of my purse and I started reading it.

Young, Lovely Azalea. I have left you. For that I am so very sorry. I love you. So very much baby.

I asked your dad to wait until your 18th birthday to give this to you but the kind of man that he is I know that he probably gave it to you the first chance that he could. I know that you chose to live with him. You have always been the one to make the right decisions. Always been so much more mature and strong than anyone your age. I guess I kind of did that to you. But it only made you a better person.

Singing. Your passion. The one thing that I did teach you. Your voice is so beautiful. I hope your keep going down that path. Your dad knows some people who could help you. I hope you will get past my death soon. We prepared for this. For years. I may have been an author but I was never good with the poetic type of stuff. So I think I am going to go. I just want you to keep that singing up. I wanna hear that angelic voice from heaven. I will brag that you are my daughter. Love your father. He is taking this hard too. And those new siblings of yours they love you more than you think. Oh..and Cyndi. She is a very good women. Go to her for anything.

Love you.

Forever and always Aza-bug

"Your happy? So no tears."Seana said

"Yeah. I knew she was gonna go. We prepared me for it. I guess what got me really emotional is that now I have this family. They barely know who I am. And the whole Posey family are the nicest people. And I guess I felt as if I didn't deserve them."

Then she just jumped up and gave me a hug.

Tyler's POV

Dylan and I were at the diner around the corner from his house.

"Damn, I can't believe that my own fiance kicked me out." I said

"I can. I would kick you out too for Azalea. She is great."

"You like her don't you?" I asked him.

"NO!" He said really fast then looked down at his fries.

"Its okay if you do."

"Pleading the 5th. Not trying to end up like Kenneth."

"I don't like Kenneth. But you are do-able."

"Sexual much?"

"I know you like her. I just don't want you to do anything about it. She is young. Do you get what I am saying?"

"Yes. I totally understand. I wasn't going to do anything. Respect you to much anyways. Plus she has been telling me that she is really into Kenneth."


Azalea's POV

"So Dylan is cute." Seana said

"Should someone being engaged to my brother be saying that to me?" I questioned

She started laughing

"I am not interested in him. Never really have been, I meant for you."

"Yeah he has a nice looking face but my brother is really protective."

"He is only being like this because you have recently come into his life and he feels like he needs to pretty much kill any guy who tries to look at you with lust in his eyes. Once you yell at him really good he will cut it out. I promise. So dylan?"

"I like Kenneth. But he has loose ends with this other girl. I like Dylan but I don't know."


not that long sorry. :/

As I finished reading I realized that sadness was not the emotion that I was feeling. But happiness.

So I smiled for a moment.

Forbidden//Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now