Chapter Six - "Sweets"

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Chapter Six - "Sweets"

Have you ever held a grudge on someone because they've interrupted your sleep? Well, I did but from about ten seconds ago, I decided to passionately hold a grudge against Adam for waking me up by playing a recording of a crazy dog barking.

"ADAM! What the hell?! It's seven in the morning, go away!" I yelled.

"Time to get up for school!" He exclaimed. We've had this 'wake up, it's school' conversation for as long as I can remember but we didn't need to have it today. Did he forget?

I've been suspended.

In addition, Adam decided to take my phone away and ban me from the internet - unless for educational purposes - for one whole week! At least he didn't ground me... Yet.

"I don't have school today," I yawned. "I swear turn off that barking dog before I smash your phone!"

Knowing I would stick to my threat, Adam quickly turned off the recording and placed his phone in his back pocket.

"Alice, you better get up and out of bed, because you do have school today!"

"What do you mean?" I was suddenly wide awake. I sat on the bed to show him I was paying attention. Did he find a way to get me off the hook?

"I've asked Joshua to come after school and make sure he helps you with work so you don't fall behind," he said sounding proud of himself. "Sounds like something mum would have done."

"Why would you do that to me?!"

"What? I don't want you to fail! I want you to go to university... So I can get rid of you," he murmured the last part.

"Urgh," I lay back down on my bed, pulled the covers up over my head, and closed my eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"You said he's coming after school. That means I can go back to sleep now," I inferred.

"No, he's got free period for lessons three and four so he's going to drop by before his last lesson... So if you don't want him to see you as the mess that you are, you might want to get up now,"

"Damn you," I said through gritted teeth.

"Hey, you did this to yourself young lady," he paused before saying "Damn, I sound old."

I decided I didn't care all too much about how messy I look around Joshua, the guy hates me anyway. As long as I can get some more sleep, I'm fine. I have just over three more hours to sleep. I ignored Adam's attempts to get me out of bed and soon dozed off into a nice comfortable sleep.


Suddenly, I heard a pile of heavy books slam on to the desk beside my bed. Great. He can't be here already! I pretended not to hear it and hoped I'd be left alone.

"Wake up," Joshua said.

I didn't reply. Why did he even agree to help me? I thought he was angry at me.

"Alice, I know you're awake."

I'm going to call his bluff and say he doesn't really know that I'm awake. Unfortunately, it was him who called my bluff.

"Well, if you don't get up, Olly's downstairs... He can wake y-"

"Okay, okay! I'm awake!" My head shot up.

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