Chapter Seven - Origami

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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't updated for like a MILLION years but I was stuck on the story and I was kinda busy too.

Anyways, this is sort of a filler chapter so it's pretty short.

Oh, and as a WARNING, this chapter is kinda rough because I literally just wrote it 5 minutes ago and I can't be bothered to read through it for mistakes.



"Adams upstairs," I said.

"Let's keep it that way, I'm actually here to see you," Blaine replied.


"Yes, you."

"Oh, well hey... again," I giggled nervously but mentally face-palmed myself. Why do I act like such a bimbo around this guy?

"Hey," he chuckled. "So basically, I heard about your fight with this Nicole girl. I wanted to see if you were alright even though you pretty much kicked her ass."

"Oh gosh, even you've heard about it!" I sighed.

"I don't think there's anyone in Sunnyville who hasn't!"

"That doesn't help," I said.

"Sorry. So how are you then?"

"Never better," I smiled. "Apart from the fact I've been banned from the internet and Adam took my phone away for a week!"

"You'll be fine," he reassured. "I thought your phone broke in the fight?"

"It did, but it still worked. I could have used it until I got a new one."

I heard someone stomping down the stairs like a fat gorilla. I turned around to see Adam who probably just came out of the shower. Dripping out of his hair was water which fell on the steps that trailed behind him. He was wearing grey jogging bottoms but he didn't even have a top on.

Why does this boy walk around half naked as if he owns the place? I mean, I know he owns the place, but still!

"Blaine," he didn't look happy. "Twice in one week. That's something new. Anyone else here notice the fishy smell?"

"Hey Adam, I just wanted to see how you were all doing," he replied with an over-the-top grin on his face - he looks kind of hot.

"We're fine."

"That's good."

"Where's Joshua?" Adam asked suspiciously.

"He's on a run," Blaine replied.

I could almost hear Adam growling as he stood behind me. I looked at him only to see invisible daggers in his eyes aiming for Blaine. What's wrong with him? Shall I ask if he's on his period?

On a serious note, am I the only one sensing the awkwardness right now? Well, it's more tense rather than awkward. Adam is one of those people who literally gets along with everyone, and I mean everyone. He managed to end up as Joshua's (AKA Mr. Anti-social) closest friend after all. But why does he seem so unfriendly towards Blaine? Unless they ran after the same girl or something.

Typical boys.

"It's freezing," Adam said. "Close the door Alice."

"Okay, you want to come in Blaine?" I asked.

"No," Adam replied for him.

"He didn't come here to have a door slammed in his face. You do know that right?"

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