Chapter Two - Joshey Boy Declares War!

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Chapter Two - Joshey Boy Declares War!

"So are you telling me that you actually thought he was a zombie?" Adam asked as he started driving us home. He was obviously finding this amusing.

"Well I'm new here so I wasn't sure how dangerous the area was going to be!" I tried to defend myself.

"And this actually led you to believe that zombies exist?" He replied holding in his laughter.

Damn it, how am I supposed to reply to that? I remained quiet.

"Oh my God, Alice. You thought zombies were real!" Elliot burst into laughter. Adam also burst out unable to continue containing in his laughter.

"Stop laughing, it was that stupid dogs fault!" I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. But this only made them laugh more.

"What? The dog... told you... he was a... zombie?" Adam managed to say in between his laughter.

"Yes!" They always knew how to get on my nerves.

"Ohh, so dog's can speak now?" Adam continued.

"No! I meant NO!"

"Even I know that dogs don't speak!" Elliot laughed. If he wasn't sitting down, I'm pretty sure he would have fell on the ground laughing at me.

I ignored them and kept quiet.

"Aww, we love you really," Adam said when he managed to stop laughing.

"Humph," I scowled.

I stared out the window and only a minute later I saw a beautiful house which had a small front garden with flowers on both sides of the path leading to the front door. There was even a wide tree growing near the side of the house. Surrounding the house was a cute white picket fence, it was a house I've always dreamed of having.

My eyes caught sight of a bench hanging from chains to make a swing infront of the house. It brought back a lot of good memories. Memories that would bring tears to my eyes if I thought about them too much. Memories that I can never have again. I brushed the thoughts out of my head and continued observing the area.

The rest of the houses on the street were more or less the same although some were different colours, or had different decorations. Every house the same as the other but with its own personalised effect made by the owners. None of them had the bench though.

"We're here!" Adam said cheerfully as he parked the car on the street.

"This is going to be our home?!" I asked, feeling excited to live in a house that felt like a real cosy home.

"Yeah, as soon as I saw it I just had to buy it. I know how much you've dreamed of a house like this, Alice. And it kind of reminds me of home; a reminder of the good old days," Adam replied with a sad smile.

"Wow look! There's a benchy swingy thingy!" Elliot exclaimed sounding very excited.

"Yeah buddy, I built it myself!" Adam replied obviously feeling proud.

"That's so cool!" Elliot was over the moon. He started running towards it with Adam not far behind him.

I stood there for a moment longer, still reminiscing. "Yeah, a reminder of the good old days," I whispered to myself before slowly making my way to the house.

Adam and Elliot were sitting on the bench looking relaxed and already at home.

"Hey, can I have a set of keys?" I asked.

"Of course sis," Adam said handing me a key. "You're room is upstairs, second door on the right."

"Thanks," I smiled before making my way inside with a couple of bags which had my belongings.

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