57. Twisted Truth

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A/N- Be ready with your weapons coz I think that after reader this chapter, you all will surely want to kill someone.
Guess who?


It was a fellow Singer's birthday today and most of the singers were invited and, I was one of them. I was very happy with my life. Everything was like a beautiful dream. My idols were now my friends. There was a time when I use to wait for their party picture and stalk a lot to get those pictures but now I am invited in those parties. My celebrity crushes were my dates. Today I am going to attend the party with Armaan and Amaal instead of SANAM.

Sanam and I haven't met since that day and it has been 4 days and neither have we spoken to each other. Maybe he is just busy with his shoots and other works. I shrugged my shoulder and ended my look with a silver wrist watch. I took a last glance of my appearance and was happy.

My phone beeped flashing Armaan's text that he was here. I picked my phone and ran out from my apartment, locking it behind.

When I was passing by Sanam's building, I couldn't stop myself from looking at the entrance hoping to see his beautiful face for once but to my dislike, nothing like that happened and I made my way towards the exit.

"Hey! You're looking beautiful. " Armaan smiled as I approached towards their car. In reply I muttered a thanks shyly, complementing him for his looks as well and then I shifted my gaze on Amaal. "Whoa! Clean shaved huh? " I laughed.

He scratched back of his neck "Yeah.. For a change."

I gave him a thumbs up "Awesome change! " I affirmed getting inside the car.

As soon as Armaan started the engine, SANAM's car came in view. I wanted to stop it but I didn't anyway.

We reached the venue shortly and after posing for the camera Armaan, Amaal and I made our entry inside the ball.

"Hey! My date is here. I'll see you guys later." Amaal winked and disappeared in the crowd.

Armaan and I laughed while sipping our drinks. "When will she come yaar?! " Armaan asked impatiently. His eyes glued at the gate.

I shook my head at him "Uff Armaan! She will be here any minute. Stop acting like a teenager." I hissed.

He looked at me "Wait till Sanam comes and I'd repeat this line when you'll blush just by seeing him."

I growled at him pinching on his arm and he spilled his drink on his blazer while he jerked "Oh shit I'm sorry! "

"Warisha! "

"I'm sorry! " I made a puppy face and he me an angry glare before walking for washroom to clean the stain.

"Oh God! He is angry. Of course he will! I spoiled his dress before he met his lady! Oh Warisha.... Why are you so clumsy???? " I cursed myself as followed him to apologize.

He was in men's washroom so I decided to wait for him outside the gate. After a couple of minutes I heard  the door being opened. As I turned to look my face hit the wall of his chest.

"Oh God! Warisha! Stop being your clumsy self." Armaan said in frustrated.

"I'm sorry... " I said in a baby voice while rubbing my noise.

He sighed "Okay... Let's go. "

"Oh hi!" Natasha greeted as she spotted us.

I smiled and elbowed Armaan. Armaan had an instant crush on Natasha the moment he saw her during our rehearsals. I cannot blame because Natasha is damn beautiful girl. Armaan had made it clear to me that he only has a crush on her because of her looks. There's nothing like love as love has nothing to do with looks. He just wants to spend some good time with her and if things go well, then who knows? But till then, Armaan had made it clear, no love teasing please.

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