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I just couldnt get what happened yesterday out of my head... Evrytime i thought of it i would blush and my heart would beat faster... We were so close...

"AGHHHHHH. Why am i letting myself get so worked up over this!?"

I rolled onto the otherside of the bed towards the alarm clock.




School starts in 10 minutes holy shit. I jumped out of my bed and ran to my closet. I grabbed grey sweats and hoodie that said 'shook' and threw them on.

While brushing my teeth, i grabbed the brush with my free hand and did my hair. I sighed and reached for my bookbag.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, I went downstairs. I didn't want my adoptive parents to wake up,because that would mean hell for me.. Luck is never on my side and my dad woke up.

"Wtf are you still doing here you lazy fuck?"

So ironic that he said that,but he just drinks beer all day, and lays on the couch or watches t.v in his room. But i wouldnt even dare to say that aloud

"I-i was just leaving" i looked down and nervously  played with my fingers. I was scared of what might happen. As my dad walked closer to me,i felt more and more anxious.

He quickly wrapped his large hands around my neck. I felt soo much pain on my neck and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. I was sure there would be bruises..

"Now listen to me you little fucker, when you come back, we will have a verrryyy nice time together" he smiled evily. It was more like a disgusting grin. He dropped me to the floor and i started to cough, then he kicked me really hard in the stomach. It knocked the wind out of me.


I quickly got up and ran out the house.

*at school*

I just arrived here. Immediately i felt depressed and smaller than everyone here. People just passed me in the hallways. I dont even know why i was in such a rush to get here. This place sucks. Then again,its a little better than being at home, thats for sure. 

In the back of mind i kept thinking about what happened this morning...more importantly what my dad said...

I was interupted from my thoughts when i was slammed against my locker.

"Well well look who's at school"

It was jim and his group of followers.

"Didnt we say we were going to get you back for last time when tae stepped in to help you?" He cracked his knuckles and grabbed the collar of my sweater. He punched me in the face..once..twice...three times...four times...when was this going to end?

I fell to the floor and felt liquid on my face. I went to touch the liquid, and when i looked at my hand,it was full of blood. My whole body hurt.

Jim and his whole squad spit on me, then they just left, high-fiving each other and laughing.

Everyone had already went to their own classes by now. It was just me laying in front of my locker in the middle of the hallway,curled up into a ball. I wish i could disappear...I got up because i knew i couldnt stay there,and i started limping to the nurses office when i felt a hand on my shoulder.

It belonged to this boy with ginger hair. He looked at me with a guilty face. Slowly looking down,he grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulder and helped me limp to the nurses office.

This is strange.

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