Day 2

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Once i got home, i opened my front door and slammed it behind me.  Leaning on the door, i slid down slowly, until i was sitting on the floor.


At least i still have my beloved cotton candy. (jeez) I opened it and started munching it. Its so sticky, but i dont mind :)

Then the doorbell rang

I wonder who could be interrupting  my cotton candy session. I pouted and stood up to look through the peep hole and there he was

Taetae...AGAIN. I quickly dropped back to the ground.

I-i cant leave him standing there, but if i let him in he'll start asking questions about the whole store incident... And i dont know if you noticed before, but im not a very good liar. At all.

He ringed again.

"IM COMING" i got off from the floor once again and opened the door.

"hi kookie" his voice was so soothing.

I started blushing a little when he used my nickname. He looked so good standing there.
Suddenly his thumb went to the corner of my lips and wiped a bit of blue cotton candy off.

Taehyung brought that same thumb up to his own lips ans licked the cotton candy off.

My eyes widened and i blushed even more.

He just started at me, then his eyes glanced at the bruise on my cheek.

" can i come in?"

"s-sure" i stepped aside so that he could enter.

He came here once before, so he knew where the living room was. We both made our way to the living room. He plopped on the couch, and i proceeded to ask if he wanted  anything to drink or eat.

"you want anything to eat or drink?"

"ah" he looked up " water would be great, and i already have this sandwich"

"oh ok" i ran to the kitchen and grabbed the gallon of water and poured some water into a cup. I ran to the living room with the water, which was probably the worst mistake ever.

I told you before, im extremely clumsy, and as i was running, itripped on absolutely nothing.

(it takes talent and skill to trip on air °_°)

And guess where the water fell..

Right on taehyung. He gasped

"Oh SHIT! Im s-soo sorry"

"its fine kookie" he said with an aggravated voice. He smiled a small smile. Anyone could tell he was slightly annoyed, its not rocket science.

"uhh....y-you can use my dryer"

" Thanks!" he actually smiled happily this time.
"but uh...what will i wear?" he started to scratch his head as he was thinking.

" y-you can wear my clothes "

In an instant, an image of taehyung in my clothes popped into my mind.

I blushed because in my mind he looked sooo cute, and im over 9000% sure that he would look 420 times better in real life.

"uhh jungkookie" i snapped back to reality


"wheres the clothes?"he giggled and i smiled

"oh yea! I'll. Be riiightt back i said as i started running up the stairs to my room. I opened the door and ran to my closet. Grabbing my sweat pants and a t-shirt from the hanger ,i ran back downstairs.

As i went downstairs, i saw a sight that only angels should see.

Taetae's pants were already off and he was in his boxers. He was taking off his wet shirt slowly,and more of his stomach and chest were being exposed to my innocent eyes....

My eyes widened as my hands quickly flew up to cover my eyes, but i was still secretly peeking through the gaps in between my fingers.
Well it wasnt secretly, because...well.... Taehyung noticed.

"you like what you see?"


Oooohhhhhhhh its a cliffff hangerrrrrrrrr. Whats going to happen nextttttt.gdbznmskaks

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