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Jimins p.o.v

"He's was right... We needed to be strong for taehyung " i thought out loud as i reached for my phone. Turning it on, i looked at the lockscreen... It was yoongi giving kookie a piggyback ride and me putting up a peace sign. (Aww) i unlocked it and texted in the group chat that yoongi made. It consisted of me, yoongi and tae.

Jimin: guys... Lets visit jungkook even though we see him everyday, we never know when he will wake we should visit everyday. I miss him..

I didnt have to wait very long for a text back because it seems that both of them were as bored as me, and read it very quickly. Yoongi and tae were already typing.

Mrlazypants: eh..sure. I miss him too. Life has gotten pretty dull without him hasnt it? Anyways.. Ill meet you guys at the hospital i guess.

Tae:...ill be there

Smiling slightly, i threw myself on my bed and tried to think happy thoughts in my dark room.

Like jungkook

Waking up


What if he doesn't

What if i never hear his voice again.

What if...

Before i could even Start crying or overthinking ,I made myself go to sleep..

I swear,overthinking will be the death of me.

~~the next day~~

Jungkooks p.o.v

I just felt eyes shot open and the first sight i was greeted with was a white ceiling. i tried to sit up, but something in my arm tugged and my body felt heavy.

"W-what the..." I looked down and saw a tube in my arm. Staring
at it for a while, i looked up and took in my dull surroundings.

"Ahhhh. I see" i smiled "im in a hospital...but what...what happened?"my smile started to disappear.

feeling a bit confused, i tilted my head and tried to figure out what was going on. How did i end up in the hospital? How long was i here?

i looked down at my hands to make sure i wasnt 5 years older or something.

i started to giggle a bit at my own childish behavior, but realized how dry my throat was, and a nurse mustve heard the croaking sound that erupted from my throat, because she threw open the door. With wide eyes and an open mouth she ran over to me.

"how do you feel? water? Ok. I'll go get the doctor and some water" she quickly said. I didnt get to answer anything she asked because she talked to fast, and didnt give me an opportunity to talk at all. Plus my throat hurt too much to talk at the moment.

I sighed loudly as the short plump lady scurried away. shortly after, i man in a lab coat entered and closed the door behind me. He walked across the room to a chair and sat in it before greeting me with a gentle smile.

" good morning mr jeon. I am Dr fernie."

"G-good morning...what happened? How long have i been here? Have i....have i had any visitors?" Only three peoples faces popped up in my head when i said that.

"Woah" dr fernie chuckled "slow down there. You just woke up from a coma. You were out for about 3weeks and your friends visited you everyday. Due to a car accident, you suffered Some damage to your head and your right leg." He motioned towards the crutches in the corner

"Those are yours." He said before proceeding to talk to me about whats been going on. As He was talking, memories flooded my head. How i was ignored at school by the one that i i ran out and got hit by a car. My father.. Taehyungs ex gf. The bullying. Yoongi. Jimin. Everything..

"you'll be staying here for another day or so before you get discharged. Well that will be all. Enjoy your day." He said before getting up and leaving the room.

All i could do was think of my three friends..they mustve been so worried.. I imagined jimin and tae crying, but yoongi? Nah. He would just be really quiet.

I felt guilty for probably putting them through that....

being in a coma felt so weird. I didnt even notice that i was sleeping...but i heard taehyungs voice....

He was saying something I dont remember clearly... All i remember is that he was crying...

I stared down at the white hospital blankets as i clutched it between my fingers as i was thinking about how i ran out the house when we argued..

"Taehyung... Why did u ignore me?" I whispered to myself



I jumped a bit andquickly snapped my head up at the loud sound. the door was swung open and three boys were standing in the doorway breathing heavily. All i could do was stare as they looked at me in shock for a few seconds. The short one with orange hair started to cry.

"Thank g-god you woke u-up jungkook" he said as he tried to catch his breath



Whooppziess hahaha *nervous laugh* hehe...uhh... Im sorry, i just havent had inspiration to write. So much stuff is just happening in my life... And i was putting this off for a while bc i dont know how to write about someone waking up from a coma...i have no knowledge in this area....whoops. Anyways..enjoy.

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