Chapter 1

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~Author's Note~

Hey everyone! I have here a little story about Soma, as they are my shipping <3 Enjoy!

~2 Years after the demon god was destroyed~

-Maka's POV-

"Makaaaa, wake uuuppp." I heard a distant voice call out from out of my bed sheets. I groaned in response, rolling over and curling in a tight ball. "C'mon birthday girl, it's not cool to stay in bed." the voice spoke again." "You say that, yet you slept in until 12pm on your birthday." I mumble sleepily back. "Who could blame me? it was cold." I pulled back my bed sheets a bit, just revealing my eyes. I was blinded by light, but then a shadow blocked the light for me. my eyes came into focus, and I saw white wild and spiky hair frame a strong and, at the moment, grinning with pride with his sharp shark teeth, face. his ruby red eyes bore into mine, as he said "And she shows herself." I grab the book off my bedside table and hold it above his head "Maka..." I begin. I see him flinch, pull back and put his hands on his head in a defensive manner. "Okay okay, jeez, so not cool." I sit up slowly, rubbing my head, feeling my hair fall about my shoulders and my hairbands fall onto my pillow. I must've forgotten to take them out before I went to bed.

-Soul's POV-

I've been waiting for this day for months, Maka's birthday. I got up really early and headed down to the bakery where I got my custom made birthday cake for Maka. it was 2 layers thick, white sponge with cream in the middle and milk chocolate icing around the edges. on the top of te cake, spelled out in green frosting was the words "Happy 16th Maka". she was 16 already.. it came as a shock to me last year when she turned 15, but now I was taken aback at 16. i've known her for four years now, but it feels like forever. and i've loved her for 2 of those years.

I watched as her hair let loose out her pigtails and swung around her shoulders, framing her beautiful face, her bangs covering one of her eyes. without me realizing, my hand reached out to her and brushed her hair out her eye. she looked at me with a funny expression, and then I realized what i'd done. I pulled my hand back as fast as I could, a red settling on my cheeks. I looked down. This is SO not cool, pull yourself together. its impossieble for meister and weapon to be together. I mean, look where Spirit and Maka's mother ended up. I wouldnt want that, ever. so long as im friends with Maka, i'm happy. but my mind does wonder sometimes to go further than friends...

-Maka's POV-

Soul smiled and me warmly, which was weird, because he usually smirked or grinned, but he looked gentle for once. his hand reached up to my face, and moved the hair out my eye. that was even weirder. I gave him a strange look. he didnt seem himself for a moment, his eyes were clouded over and he was smiling so sweetly. suddenly, his eyes grew wide, his smile disapeared and his hand was pulled back. he put his hands on his knees and locked down at them, his bangs covering his face. he's acting so strange..

~Authors Note~

im so so sorry this is too short DX but I promise chapter two will be longer! bye!

To The Heart ~ SoMa Fanfic ~Where stories live. Discover now