Chapter 21

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Kayla POV

After we watched the video we took the CD and pictures of Mateo and put them in a box. We don't know where he killed himself so we can't find a body. But we buried some of his belongings and pictures and that CD. We never wanted to see it again. Watching his lifeless body swing on that rope was horrific. I just tried to forget it all.

I'm currently 28 years old engaged to Derek Williams, a lawyer. I have a daughter. Adria who is 4 and yes, its Derek's baby... Im not a hoe. Anyways, I moved down to Atlanta where I'm a professor at Georgia Tech. Everything in life has been going great.

I haven't really spoken to the group in a long time. Like maybe a year for everyone. We still follow each others social media so I guess we're still connected. Right?

Benny, Jayla, the twins, Banji, and Vassiah are not currently on my worry list. What I'm worried about is how the hell me and my daughter saw Mateo.

I took her to the park Wednesday afternoon like I always do. She slid down the slide and ran to the swings.

"Mommy push me!"

"I'm coming baby!" I answered.

"Hehehe," she giggled. Her smile suddenly left her face and she stared at the trees to her left. "Mommy... who's that?" She trembled.

I turned and looked the direction she pointed. "Mateo?!"

He waved.

"What the fu- Adria go to Daddy." I stated.

"But mommy who is-" She started.

"Go I said!" I rushed her. She ran off and I turned back to see Mateo gone. Like he was never really there.

"Mateo?" I called. Nothing.

I know I did not just imagine this. It has to be real.

"Babe are you ok?" Derek approached me with Adria holding his hand at his side.

I had started crying. "I'm fine." I said through sobs. Why was I crying?!

"Come on lets go home," he said sternly. He grabbed my hand tightly and dragged me to the car.

See I didn't really say much about Derek... he's a great man but... he sometimes, the stress from work and... it just makes him lash out sometimes. He doesn't mean to hit me. He loves me.

We drove home in silence as my tears continued to fall. I didn't know why but they wouldn't stop. I sat there expressionless, with tears streaming down my face.

When we got home I bathed Adria and sat her down to eat. While she ate Derek asked to talk to me upstairs.

"What the hell was that?!" He whisper yelled.

"I..I don't know..exactly," I stuttered.

"How dare you embarrass me in front of people like that?!" He spat. "What do you think is going through their heads?! Huh!"

"Derek I'm...S-sorry." I stuttered.

He slapped me. "If you ever do something like that again-"

"I won't I promise." I spoke shakily.

"Good. Now go take a bath you look disgusting," He said pulling out his phone.

"Okay," I said softly. I ran water in the tub and added bubbles. I stripped off my clothes and lit some candles. The water was steaming and calming. The heat helped soothe the aches from the bruises.

I know many of you are like why are you with him when he abuses you but hear me out. He has me living in this big house with a beautiful daughter and designer clothing. The sex is amazing and our families get along well. We are engaged and I love him. I can't take a few hits now and then for all this.

Wouldn't you?

I slid deep into the tub until the water covered my nose. I slowly opened my eyes as the steamy water made me tired. But what I saw was-



"What the hell are you doing here?!" I shouted while covering my body with bubbles.

"I don't know exactly. Someone wanted me to see you." He said.

"I mean why are you in here while I'm bathing?!"

He shrugged. "I dunno."

Derek walks in, "Whats the matter I heard you screaming?"

"Him!" I pointed at the area Mateo was standing at.

"Who?" Derek looked at me like I was retarded. Mateo was standing there with his hands on his hips wondering when I was gonna realize that

"You can't see him?!"

"See who Kayla?!" Derek questioned.

I looked back over at Mateo and he was gone. "He's gone. He's gone."

"I don't have time for this," Derek said walking out and rubbing his forehead.

"My dear sweet Kayla." I heard Mateo's voice from behind me.

"What are you doing?!" I said whipping my head around.

He sat next to the tub. "I miss you. I've missed your smile and your kisses."

I just stared at him confused.

"I miss your cooking and your smart mouth. I miss you a lot."

"You wouldn't have to miss me if you didn't kill yourself." I spat. He hurt me a lot when he did that.

He stared at the floor. "Well I did."

"Then how are you here?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure exactly, but I am. And I was brought to you."

"Brought by who exactly?" I asked.


Controlla (Mateo Bowles, psychotic?)Where stories live. Discover now