Chapter 6

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??? POV

"This is your life now. No going back."

"I'm a murderer. I just killed someone."

"Welcome to the club. Kayla."

Nova (Boss) POV

I was pissed as hell when that nigga Cam ran up. But now I got two of his guys and they are gonna help me with this initiation.

"Where's the gun I gave you?" I said. She pulled it out of her jacket pocket and handed it to me. "So you see these to fuckers right here?" I pointed at the people Pierre and Paris brought in. She nodded and was really tense. "This is how to shoot them." I stood with both hands on the gun aimed it at one of them and pulled the trigger.

"Oh my god!" She gasped as the guy's head leaked blood and his body flopped over. "I...I can't...d-do thi-is."  She stammered.

"So you wanna be next?" I said turning to face her.

"! Gimme the gun." She said snatching it out my hand. She aimed it at the other guy and shot him in the chest. At first I thought lil mama ain't never seen a gun before. Let alone shot one.

"Good job." I said smirking. "This is your life now. No going back."

"I'm a murderer. I just killed someone." She spoke.

"Welcome to the club. Kayla." I spoke softly. I gestured for the others to come in. Everyone was calm but Teo. He had a sorry look on his face and I could quite get why.

Mateo POV

I looked at Kayla with an M9 in her hand smiling as everyone clapped for her acceptance. Everyone except me. I hid my frown behind my mask not trying to spoil the moment for her. She was such a good girl. This isn't the life for her.

Kayla POV

Everyone congratulated me and Nova handed me my mask.

"Don't let anyone see the mask." He said surely. I nodded.

"But when do I wear it?" I asked.

"When we are having a shoot out or here. Basically it's too help conceal your identity. We don't need people knowing who is in the BMB." Nova replied.

Afterward everyone told me their stories of how they joined. Except Mateo. He hadn't said one word to me since school.

"Excuse me I'll be right back." I told Vassiah.

"K" she responded turning to talk to Jayla, Benny, and Banji.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Mateo. He nodded and we went to another room.

"Wassup." He said with a sort of raspy voice.

"I just wanted to know more about you. Like in school, you're talking a lot and laughing but here..." he cut me off.

"You don't know me Kayla. We literally just met today. I haven't spoken because I've been...observing you."

The fuck does this nigga mean observing?!

"Ummm what?" I asked confused.

"Ever since I talked to you this morning I was interested. Your gorgeous, silly, and curious. You have a lot going for you and I don't think a gang is the best thing for you." He said.

Controlla (Mateo Bowles, psychotic?)Where stories live. Discover now