Chapter 13

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Kayla POV


I have been pretty lonely the past few days. I haven't been staying at anybody's house just going to school and coming home. I miss Mateo. No one has any clue where he is. King says he's fine but how can I be sure. I just wanna know my bab- I mean my best friend is okay.

Vassiah POV

"Kay come here," I called to Kayla at lunch. She's been really distant and silent lately because of Mateo, but we have some thoughts about this Lucas guy.

"Hey guys," Kayla mumbled as she plopped down into a seat.

"We think we know what happened to Mateo." Benny said getting straight to the point.

"REALLY?!" She squealed. "What? Tell me!"

"You haven't really been there to see, but isn't it weird that the day after Lucas arrived Mateo disappeared. And Lucas ups and leaves everyday and know one knows where he is going. Boss says drugs have been disappearing too." Banji explained.

"That doesn't mean he has anything to do with Mateo." Kayla said annoyed.

"But get this, King told you that Mateo was okay. How would he know that when he claims to not have seen or talked to him." I added.

"True...but how do we know it's Lucas. What about J.I?" Kayla asked.

"J.I doesn't up and leave outta nowhere. He's always chilling with us." Paris said.

"But why would Lucas do that anyway?" Kayla questioned.

"We found some history on this Lucas kid. He used to be a friend of Mateo's dad until he killed his sister. Lucas and his sister were very close and did everything together." Pierre answered.

"Lucas is probably taking it out on Teo because he can't take it out on his dad." Kayla sighed.

"I can't seem to find any medical records or anything on his sister but I did find out her street name." Pierre said as he typed on his laptop.

"What is it?" Kayla asked.


Just as Pierre said her name Mateo walked up all casual and shit.

"Uh hey guys," He began as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Teo!" Everyone said dapping him up.

"So y'all just sitting here by Ahkekeqwerty," He said.

"What?" I asked giving him a confused look.

"We have no pufdtfgh! We could get memapapoon!" He added.

"Umm...the hell is that?" Benny asked.

"It sounds like Orlando Brown in that interview about Raven Simone." Paris laughed.

"Memapapoon!" Pierre sung. Everyone began laughing.

"What do you mean who are th- nevermind. Can someone just tell me where Lapoodytutifruity is, I need to talk to her." Mateo asked frustrated.

"Who?" Everyone asked confused.

"What do you mean who?!" He yelled causing the whole cafe to fall silent.

"Teo you need to calm down," Banji said reaching her hand out towards him.

"No!" He shouted. "Why are you guys acting like you don't know who Lapoodytutifruity or Ahkekeqwerty are?!" He yelled.

"Mateo are you sick?" I questioned.

"So I just sound completely crazy right now?" He asked ignoring me.

"Pretty much." Paris and Pierre said at the same time.

"Whatever Imma go find her." He said jogging off to God knows where

"Good luck! Crackhead..." Jayla replied as he walked away.

Other than the gibberish he was speaking, I also wondered why he didn't talk to Kayla. She was directly in his face and he didn't even acknowledge her presence. Weird. I thought to myself.

Mateo POV
*present time

"What the hell do you mean just the beginning?" I questioned Fade.

"What if I told you everything you've ever known was a lie?" Fade asked.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Well you can't go back now so, might as well tell you... basically you are going to kill a lot of people."


"Cause you are."


"No. Just let it happen."

"Can you at least tell me who?"

"Hehe," Fade chuckled. "Let's just say those who you love got something coming."

And with that I fell silent. I know Fade can hear my thoughts but I hate him/her so much. Why do I have to kill people. And do I have to kill the people I love? I won't. I'm not just some psychotic maniac who can be controlled...right?

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