Spotlight Author: @H-A-Spade

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So... Who the hell are you? Give us five random - though of course, nothing is truly random - facts about yourself.

I am Holly. :) Hello. Five facts:
--My prescription is -5.5 and it gets lower every year, so I wear enormous black-framed cat-eye glasses (not shown in *current* profile picture for modesty's sake. Also they would overpower the teacup.)
--I have one obscenely deep dimple on each side of my face when I smile or talk (see above)
--I've moved 32 times in my life and have lived all over the U.S.
--I am the eldest of four children, otherwise known as The Chosen One.
--My ears are double-pierced. I really hadn't intended for it to happen.

What did you want your schoolyard nickname to be?

I think you meant to ask, "What didn't you want your schoolyard nickname to be?"

When you were a young padawan, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An adult. My answer has since changed. Now I want to be a writer.

Other than writing and/or reading, what hobbies do you have?

Playing the cello for charity in my community symphony, playing piano, studying physics, and theorizing about the universe and reality aloud until people ask me can I not.

As your crew cast your lifeless body into the core of the nearest star, list three pieces of music likely to be rattling the bulkheads.

Ah. This question again. I am not very outgoing in person (to put it mildly), so what's likely to be playing is whatever depressing default funeral march space-funeral-directors keep on their person in case of emergency space funerals. But if I got to choose, Star by Break of Reality strikes me as appropriate. That, and possibly Storm's End, and Nine Deep.

Who is your all-time favourite author? Why is that?

I can't decide between Lewis Carroll and Douglas Adams, because I like them both for the same reason: their wacky humor, and their ability to make you think using nonsense and absurdity. Is it really random? Is it really impossible? Is human reasoning really accurate, or just effective to a certain extent?

Of everything you have written, what is your favourite?

I very rarely read anything I write.

...and what is your fans' favourite?

It's just I don't think I really have "fans." I'm not very well-known, and the few people who stick with my stories and comment throughout feel more like friends to me. Based on the comments, though, it seems to be The Demon Hunter Who Went to a Haunted Hotel and Subsequently Fell Through Time. (Or TDHWWTAHHASFTT for short.)

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