Chapter 11

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Cals Pov

The street lights were lit with a cold light breeze swirling around in the air. It was a beautiful night. With clear sky. Voices echoing in the air. Restaurants pumping with not too many people. But it couldn't change the tension between me and Cathleen.

She knows to much. Rose has probably told her everything to know about me. Their was no use denying it. I could see how scared she was of me on her face.

"Listen I'm not a bad man Cathleen. Yes I may or may not have done those things in the past. But I am a changed person now after Titanic. I take life for granted now. After escaping death and seeing hundreds of dead people. I've changed. I've changed Cathleen." , I basically begged for her for my forgiveness and to tell her the truth. "Listen. I really really like you. You're nothing like Rose or all the duchesses and all the women with wealth. You're sweet", I said pinching her cheek. She just smiled, "and you are kind hearted. And on top of that you are beautiful inside and out.", I then started to lean in but then she walked off. She walked into Central Park. I then went after her.

Cathleen's Pov

I can't stand the nerve of this guy. He is also anoying  and what he did to Rose. Urgh. Forget it. Forget him!

"Cathleen!", he said grabbing my arm, "come on baby tell me what's wrong?", he teased me, "come on what's wrong. what's WRONG!", he started demanding. I chose to ignore it till he took a few steps away and back tracked, "it's about what Rose said isn't it? What I did and said to her?"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!", I screamed at him trying to get away.

"I'm not letting go OF YOU!", he chased after me then tightening his grip on my arm, "you're going to tell me everything Rose has said to you!", he demanded from me. I couldn't squirm from his clutches.

"She told me everything!" I yelled in his face, "your abusive aggressive behaviour. And at least of all, what your doing to now", I replied sternly to him, "I'm even surprised you haven't even hit me yet", I spoke to soon. His flying hand crashed on the left side of my face setting it ablaze. In a fire pit of hell. He then let go of my arm while I touched the affected area.

"You better shut your mouth. Your words will only get you in trouble much like Rose. Except she went the extra length. But I know your weakest out of all them. You're only a 16 year old baby trying to look after you mother who sells herself on the street begging for money"

I looked up to him with my devilish eyes, "what did you just say?"

"You know what I said. I know everything their is to know about you. And I can make damn sure! that I can ruin your and her life. But... I can also help you. Only if you choose to be with me.", his arms then reach out to me. I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping that someone would hear me and save me from him. "Stop SCREAMING!", he said trying to wrap his arms around me so I couldn't move.

"ARRRHHHHHH HELP ME PLEASE!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!", I screamed as Cal took me to the exit of the park were a pub was sitting across the road. They then saw me and fought Cal off.

"GET OFF HER! GET OFF HER!", the men said pushing and beating him off me. With two of them holding Cal while one held me.

"Simon call the police", one of the older ones holding Cal ordered. I just leaned on the man that held me and wrapped my arms around his waist. All I needed was a hug right now. He then threw his arms around my me as I started to cry.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now