Chapter 29

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Roses pov

After 4 weeks of staying in this house hidden from first class society. I've finally decided that I want to move to Chippwa Falls, Wisconsin. Where Jack was born and grew up. We have organised that Caitlin will come with me and the flat will be sold. Cathy lives with Christopher and Heidi moved in with Sam Brown. There is no way back only forward in our lives. We all said our last goodbyes and had a big celebration party together. The next day they then all waved us off at the train station.

"Goodbye", Me and Caitlin waved to them out the window, "come visit soon!", we told them as the train started to move, "WE WILL NEVER FORGOT YOU!", we yelled to them as they disappeared into the fog. I then sat back down in my seat with tears streaming down my face. I then looked over to see Josephine in her little basket waving her arms and legs about. I then picked her up and held her. Caitlin then read the newspaper while I started to play with her.

Caitlin's Pov

Two days later we arrived at Chippewa Falls train station. It was dead quiet. I swear no one lives here. We then got a taxi and loaded our bags and we drove to the nearest inn.

"Hello. How may I help you?", a women in her 40's or so asked.

"A room for two please", I said, "and also a baby. Don't worry we brought the stuff for her"

"Follow me", she took the key and led us up some stairs, "will this suit you and also your budget?", she opened the door as we pranced around the room looking at it.

"We'll take it", Rose spun round

"Excellent. I will have some boys bring up your bags. What are both your names so I can write it down.

"Caitlin Mansfield and this is Rose. We hopefully wont be staying here to long. We are planning to buy a house here"

"Oh how lovely. Chippwa Falls is very nice. Very close to lake Wissota. That is a nice place to go. Everything is mainly central here. Otherwise you have to catch or drive into the next state. But everything tends to be here. We're all happy here", she nodded and walked out.

Roses pov

*the next day*

I cradled Josephine in my arms while Caitlin was still asleep. Then I heard a knock at the door. That made Josie quite upset.

"Shhhhh it's ok Josie. It's alright", I then opened the door to the women who helped us yesterday.

"Morning. I thought today I would give you a tour, as well as go shopping for houses", she walked in while I tried to settle Josephine down. Caitlin then woke up from the loud racket that Josephine was making, "are you sure you haven't fed her this mor'in?", the lady asked. I just looked at her warning her to back off, "well she's a beautiful little girl I see. She's been awfully quiet since she got off the train. But now she's woken up", she stroked her forehead before I walked into another room to get changed into.

I then came out and we all went downstairs to begin our first day at Chippwa Falls!

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now