Chapter 1

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Roses Pov

"Come on", Caitlin says as she wakes me up to get ready for work, "Hurry up or we will be late", she says putting on her shoes in front of me. While Cathleen and Hedi were running around like chickens trying to get ready and get their make up on. I then quickly bounced out of bed. Took a quick shower got dressed and brushed my teeth. And went straight out the door and went to work.

The days were long hard and hot. All of our makeup was sweating off. But it was a small price to pay compared to our pay check.

I love acting. Not just because of the money. But it allows me to be in a different world or mind of a person. And to have fun and be crazy with it. It allows me to be free and to think. And to think that this is only the beginning of it is the best part. Who knows, after I do a few more shows I can be a movie actress and act and work in movies. This new world excites me everyday and always pulls me back wanting more. I can't get enough of it.

Living free. Having an amazing job. And actually having friends my age! This new area or window of life is amazing. I've never felt the wind under my wings before and now that I've taken off he ground their is no way I am going down again.

I was free. I could go anywhere I could. With nothing stopping or getting in the way of me. I guess this is what Jack felt everyday. And he made it count.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now