Chapter 31

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Roses Pov

Our second full day at Chippwa Falls and a tough one too. It's April 10. The day the Titanic set sail.

Catlin rushed around the kitchen trying to sort and find things all morning. We eventually had breakfast and went into town.

We got a number of strange different looks from people. Most people were generally staring at me or Josie. And I know why. But me and Caitlin choose to ignore it and continue on with our day.

Everywhere I went I asked people what they knew of the house that burnt down in the valley. But no one knew. They all recommended me people that I've never heard or met in my life. It's hard enough being new here.

Caitlin's Pov

The last few days Roses behaviour has changed. She's become quite laid back and quiet. I know she's been getting some off looks from people. But she can't keep herself locked up in here. Finally after 4 days! Of protesting against her. She's finally decided to come out. And we went to the library!

Roses Pov

Catlin took Josie into town. She got bored very quickly of the library. The only thing she wants to read are scripts. I sat alone at my own desk with many old papers scattered across the table. I need to know! And then I found it.

'Dawson family of 5 destroyed
Only a soul survivor left'

Me heart skipped at beat. My whole head spun round. My body was beginning to shut down after what I had read. It was Jack. I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! Why wouldn't he bring me back here? Why would we have bought that place. It was Jack. It was all Jack.

'Jack Dawson is a 15 year old boy, now orphan after his family and home was burnt down Wednesday evening. Jacks whole family his mother Miriam, father Daniel, brother and sister, James and Jewels all perished in the blaze.

A house now stands at the top overlooking his family ruins. The Chippwa falls community built this for Jack. Jack looks out of his window every night seeing what's remaining of his home. He said "every night I look out of my window above my dresser to see the remains of my house. It's sad to see it there. But it brings me comfort to know that home and my family is not to far away. I miss my family very much. And I wish I had more days with them. Thats why now I've got to make them count. Day by day. Until I die."

I cried every liquid out of my body. "Oh Jack", I continued to cry with new tears rolling down my face. I live in the same house as he did. I sleep in the same room and bed as he did. As well as put our daughter where his clothes, drawings or portfolios were he did. It's all to much. I put my sadness and the book away on the shelf and I walked out.

I walked out onto the street but the more steps I took the more I realised that Jack had done the same things as me. Walked where I am now. I then made a scene and the broke down.

"Oh Rose", Caitlin came running out

"It's too much. It's to much! I can see him everywhere! In everything I do! He's there! He's there he's there he's there!",I cried to her.

"Here just hold Josephine", she placed her in my lap, "she'll make you feel better", I then looked down at my baby girl m. It broke my heart to know she wouldn't know her daddy. But you could tell she'll never be left alone or unguarded. She looks so much like him already with his colour hair and eyes. I always knew Jack would never me.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now