Chapter 17

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*4 weeks later*

Roses pov

Each of us girls filed out of our bedroom one by one like zombies. We haven't gotten a wink of sleep in weeks. But then otherwise it is getting better. We have managed  to get Josephine into a small routine. But sometimes she wakes up all the sudden and doesn't get back to sleep. We then enter the kitchen were Christopher is sitting down holding Josephine.

"Mor'in. My, do you girls look like you've been dead for many years"

"Morning baby", Cathy walked over and gave him a peck on the lips. She then helped Catilen make all the coffee to wake us all up. Me and Heidi just stood there staring at Christopher who was holding Josephine. All I could think about was Jack. That would of been him holding our daughter in his arms. Smiling happily, talking to her, making her smile. Him making breakfast for me because I was with her all night. And now she is smiling happily in his arms laughing at his funny/stupid baby voices/faces. He would love to be here right now.

"Rose, Heidi sit down. You two have had a big night. All you need is rest", we then pop a squat at table

"I can't rest. I got to go to work today. We all do, except Rose", Heidi complained with our heads just about to hit the table.

"Here's the coffee", Cathy rejoiced as she put it right in front of us. But it was to late. We had both collapsed on the table.

The scent then consumed me wanting to get up to be charged for the day. I then took a hot sip. The hot temperature gave me energy spreading throughout my body. It then hit my eyes as they widened. "Oh I feel so much better. Thank you Catilen and Cath", I then took another gulp as us girls tried to skull the rest down to possibly have another. Josephine then started to cry.

"I think someone is hungry now", Christopher then placed her in my arms. I then got up and went to the bedroom to feed her.

We were both so quite that we could hear everyone in the kitchen yelling. One by one they each left the house.




It was just me and my Josephine alone together again...

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now