We are taught that we have the freedom to speak
to speak our minds without pursuit by the the government
To say what we want to say, to say what we need to say
yet I don't feel like I can say what must be said in these four walls
my teachers encourage me to speak up
you say not enough but you speak out of turn all too often
keep your head down, and grades up
mouth shut and books open.
no one cares about what you say, sit down and listen, I am in charge
I know best, I am the teacher you are the student
freedom of speech my...
oh yea I forgot to mention t NJhe censorship you put on my poems, my art, my lyrics, my life
go ahead duct tape my mouth shut
chain my hands so tightly I can't even pick up my paint brush
beat me every time I step out of line teach me to hold my tongue
to bare the lashes
To tip-toe around every issue I ever encounter
to never fight for what I believe in
to give up because it makes others uncomfortable
I don't care if I make you uncomfortable
I don't care if I insult you with my opinions, or if you find the language I use disrespectful
as our world evolves so must our interpretation of our language
let censorship be not my enemy's weapon but its demise
let the minds of young people everywhere be full of what they can be rather than clouded with what they can not say
every time I swear I am told I should not, it's a word, get over it
it is as meaningless as "the" or "at" until put in context
I am not a fool, I know what it means
if I use it there is a reason for it
I am told I have the freedom to speak my mind
yet my mouth is full of words I can not say
here on this very stage I am told I can not say what my mind wishes to
freedom of speech my ass