Death doesn't have a party line
The murder of school children doesnt have a party line
Yet we seem to think so
While our leaders squabble over gun laws some poor kid is bleeding out on the gym floor
That kid could be your sibling, child, cousin, best friend, you.
That could be you
If we don't do anything that will be someone you know, if it isn't already
As buildings evacuate and lock down
As students run in fear
As concerts turn masicures
And nights out fall to lights out
Survivers traumatized
Victums forgotten in the long list of names
Who is Peter Chan?
Chris hixon?
Luke hoyer?
All from the latest shooting in Florida
Maybe that isn't current anymore
It's been a few daysDeath does have a party line
Yet we draw lines in the sand
Our dead students dont have a party line
If your babies blood was the one spreading the tile, would your views be the same?