1- I'm not Sorry

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At first glance, you would think I had it all. Beauty, brains and wealth.

Basically happiness.

You will then start to judge my every move, every reaction and each one of my beliefs.

Whether I was faking it or if I was sincere. Just, because you're jealous of me or simply because you don't have anything else to do with your life besides sticking your nose up other people's business.

The problem is, I don't care. I have other things to do and to care for, such as my family, my job and my life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not narcissistic nor am I self-centered, I am just a thirty-eight years old woman, who decided that the story of her life was worth sharing and that maybe, just maybe, somebody, somewhere, will find light, strength and the will to fight and conquer life in it.

That would make me extremely happy and overjoyed, because I wouldn't be here, in this position of my life without the impact of so many people who loved me, broke me, cared for me, hated me, fought for me and abandoned me.

Before starting, I would like to warn you. I'm not a saint nor am I a sinner. Looking back, I've realized that I had committed many terrible mistakes, some of them still haunt me to this day, still, I don't regret them, not a single one, because without them I wouldn't be who I am today and that would've sucked.

A lot.

I did good deeds too though, and I'm extremely grateful because I had the ability and the opportunity to do them.

Once, I rescued a puppy from what would've been a tragic car accident. There was a kid with it too, so that means I rescued two lives, I guess...

Oh also, recently I helped a nonprofit organization to raise one million dollars in support of people who have cancer. Not to brag or anything, but I'd like to raise awareness about this particular topic, you won't know what those people go through until you experience it first hand, and let me tell you, it's heartbreaking.

I'd like to believe that my life so far was interesting, despite the struggles I went through and the challenges I faced, I had great faith in God and myself. Those two never let me down, and I couldn't thank them enough.

My name is Daniella Aubert and this is my story.

It all started one summer night, my parents met, fell in love and got married.

At least that's what my grandmother always told me.

After two years of struggling through thick and thin, they decided that there isn't much to do in their home country and that their dreams are far away, so they moved to France, which is where my mom's family is originated from.

The following year, a new member was added to their family, it wasn't me though, it was chubby their dog.

Three years after that, I was born.

My dad was a successful journalist at the time and my mother was a well-known chef. She bought a little restaurant in Paris and poured her heart and soul in it.

Fast forward to my sixth year being happily alive on the planet earth, my uncle got terribly ill, so we had to come back to our home country and visit him.

What we didn't expect is that shortly after getting back to Paris, one day as I was laying down on my favorite rug in the middle of the living room, trying to figure out what to do with the face of a doll I broke, my mother came back from work, she opened the door, put down her purse and hanged her coat, then ever so slowly turned her head to me, sprinted straight to where I was sitting, kissed my cheeks, told me to take care of myself and to say to dad that she loved him no matter what, then she collapsed on her back and passed away.

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