CLAN ; 1

39 9 3


Who the fuck?

I sleepily reached out for my phone and answered it without looking at the caller id.

"This better be good or I'll whoop your ass for waking me up." I snarled, rubbing my eyes.

"Girl you're late for school either ways. Hurry up and get your butt over here, there's a new kid in school." Wonho briefly said before ending the call. I groaned as I got ready in less than 10 minutes. Grabbing my phone again, I dialed another number. He picked up in a flash.

"Yes boss?" Minhyuk whined, throwing his blanket off the bed.

"Pick me up on the way, I give you 15 minutes." I yawned, lazily flipping through YouTube on my flat screen TV.

"I question that when you can just teleport to school," He mumbled. "Be there in 10." He cheerily piped before ending the call.

Oops, I forgot my introduction. Hello, I'm Choi Rouyoung. Typical/not-so-typical student at Seoul High.

"A murder scene was found right outside of Seoul High, it appears that it was caused by some kind of animal as seen from the claw marks that littered the corpse. Police are currently looking into this situation." The announcer read, pointing to the picture on the top left corner. I scoffed.

Probably that was Kihyun's doing when he was bored

A sudden car honk made me switched off the TV and throw on my shoes at lightning speed before teleporting into Minhyuk's Mercedes.

"Morning princess, how was your sleep?" Minhyuk had his signature eyesmile and asked, looking at me while driving out of my driveway.

"It was good till fucking Wonhoe decided to call me." Pouting, I stared out the window and admired the view.

"Well, he's gonna get his ass whooped later." Minhyuk laughed, licking his fangs.

We reached school in record time as our math teacher shook his head.

"You two are always late, what's the reason this time?"

"Minhyuk's Mercedes lost its tyre while we were parked at the red light. Stupid asshole decidedto steal it to use it as a floatie." Changkyun let out a loud hearty laugh at my sentence while Kihyun gave that dipshit a slap on the leg. I gave my usual 'I-give-no-shit' face as Minhyuk just nodded.

"Just sit down."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed the new boy which Wonho talked about, sitting next to me. I eyed him as I took my seat, Minhyuk sitting behind me.

"This kid here is Hyungwon, transferee from Gwangju High. Hyungwon, this is Rouyoung." Shownu introduced us.

"Hello." Hyungwon stuck his hand out cooly. I gave him a smile as I took his hand into a shake.

"Rou doesn't talk much to new friends. If you know her for a long time, she talks alot."

"Jooheon, you better shut that flytrap of yours before I make butcher knives fly from the school's cafeteria." I growled, focusing my view on the teacher and his useless math equations on the board. Seriously, how is math gonna help us in life? Kihyun looks like he's gonna tear the flesh off the teacher's bones as he kept growling, needing Wonho to wack his forehead with his fingers.

"She's really scary if you mess with her." Wonho whispered.

"I can hear that Wonhoe."

The end of school came fast as I packed my bags for dismissal.

"Remember your overdue homework by tomorrow, the group at the back! All 7 of you! Homework or detention, you choose." Our biology teacher warned as she left the class.

"No promises." Shownu chuckled.

"Biology is too hard to do homework." Jooheon scrunched up his homework and threw it into the dustbin up at the front without missing. I rolled my eyes and scrunched up mine, turning around and landing the throw.

"Beat that, Jooheon."

"Hyungwon, do ya mind looking after our bags in class for awhile? We need to settle some issues with our teacher." Wonho nudged him a little.

"I'll wait with you!" Minhyuk happily linked his arms with Hyungwon.

"Okay, sure!" Hyungwon smiled.

"C'mon boys." I started walking to the graffiti wall at the back of the school, the others following me.

"Ay, isn't it Wonhoe and his little minions? Oh, who's the girl?" Namjoon laughed as soon as we stepped into view, BTS turned their attention to us.

"Yeah, why do you wanna meet us for? You want another taste of my scythe, eh, Wonho?" Yoongi cracked his knuckles as his trusty scythe appeared in his hands.

"I heard you fought with my brother," I smirked, gesturing to Wonho. "You should know the consequences of hurting us."

"And who are you? You're merely just their girl that they fuck, isn't it?" Jimin snarled, his fangs showing. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. So this is what I get for not joining them in fights.

"That you're wrong. You'll pay for giving Wonho a scar on his handsome face." I bared my fangs as we charged at one another. My nails scratched Jungkook's face as blood rippled from the gash.

"You'll pay for that, girl."Jungkook scowled before giving my tummy a punch. I returned his blow with a lightning bolt, forcing him to back up. Changkyun and Jimin took their fight to the sky, dodging each other's fireballs and ninja stars. Jin got Kihyun at a corner, one shot from his bow and it's game over. I distracted Jungkook with floating sewer covers using my telekinesis before pouncing on Jin from behind, making him miss his arrow.

"Rou, heads up!" Kihyun shouted, aiming his gun right at me. Getting his hint I jumped up, allowing his bullet to fly under me and hit V's arm.

V growled before abandoning his sword and tackling Shownu with a bite to his neck.

"Your blood taste nice." V teased, wiping his mouth.

"I bet yours does too." Shownu threw his daggers at V's direction, only for it to get deflected by Hoseok's ice shield.

"Ditch! Bangtan, ditch!" Yoongi shouted as he limped out of Wonho's range, using his bloody scythe as a walking stick.

"We'll be back, MONSTA X." Namjoon growled before the group disappears.

"Good job everyone!" I smiled.

Rou! Help Hyungwon!

"Hyungwon." My eyes went huge as I started sprinting back to class.

"Shit." Wonho cussed as he too, ran.

"Hey, wait for us!" Kihyun grunted before he dragged the rest along.  


hi im back from the dead (not) anyways i've been obsessed with MONSTA X from their recent comeback and decided to create a fanfic! the updates will be slow but yeah i hope you are able to wait for my updates xD hope you've enjoyed and suggest anything that you wanna see in this fanfic ^0^

~ Rou / Kisung

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