CLAN ; 2

26 9 7

Hyungwon's POV

"Why did you transfer, Hyungwon?" Minhyuk suddenly asked me. I stuttered for an answer, unconsciously pulling down my longsleeve, hoping he doesn't see the scars.

They mustn't know

"I guess I just wanted to move to Seoul and see how it's like here in the city." I smiled.

"Yo, Jongup! Do you smell that?" A voice shouted from outside the classroom. Minhyuk's face went pale as he pulled me down onto the floor.

"Oh yeah, I smell it alright. A human." Jongup sniffed the windowpanes before locking eyes with me. His eyes flashed red for a second as Minhyuk growled lowly.

"Why hello, Minhyuk." Daehyun sneered, standing at the doorway. "Who do you have there?"

"He's not yours." Minhyuk pushed me behind him.

"You have a human with you, and you know what werewolves do with humans." Zelo smiled, his teeth becoming sharper and claws started to unhinge from his fingers.

"Werewolves?" I shuddered.

They aren't humans?

"Don't worry, Hyungwon. I'm here." Minhyuk assured me as he conjured up a fireball and shot it at them.

"Like the saying goes; Don't trust a demon." Youngjae flashed me a deadly smile.

He's a demon?

"I dare you to fight me." Minhyuk flashed out daggers as he threw it at them.

"You'll have to be faster." Himchan rolled out of the way, grinning as he threw a punch at Minhyuk, knocking him away from me and into the whiteboard.

"Minhyuk!" I shouted as Yongguk closed up the gap between us.

"You look really juicy." He lifted up my arm and tugged the longsleeve up, showing my bruises and scars. I tried to yank my hand back but he had an iron grip on me. He smirked before dragging his sharp claws down my skin, blood spilling out of the cuts. Minhyuk let out a feral growl as he launched himself at Yongguk, digging a fireball into his arm.

"Don't touch him!" Minhyuk dug his own claws into Yongguk. Zelo pounced from behind, delivering a deep scratch to his arm. Minhyuk hissed in pain as Daehyun grabbed his neck and lifted him up.  

"Still the same old Minhyuk, weak and broken." Daehyun spat in his face and dug his claws into the other's neck before tossing him aside as he struggled to get up from the floor.

"Minhy- mmhph!" Himchan shushed me as he wrapped his hand around my mouth, his long claws digging into my cheeks.

"This won't hurt one bit." Jongup snickered as he lifted his claws.

This is it, first day at school and I'm gonna die

I stared at Jongup's raised claws with watery eyes and watch as it was about to come in contact with my skin when...

The sound of torn fabric echoed through the classroom.

"Fuck, wrong target."

Rou jumped in front, taking the blow. She hissed as blood dripped from her back.

"That's gonna scar. Thanks a fucking lot, Jongup." She snarled, her ivory fangs showing.

"You hurt Rou," Wonho gritted his teeth. "You'll pay!" He charged at Jongup, knocking him into the tables. Rou kicked Himchan with her studded combat boots in the face as she tore me out of his grasp.

"You're gonna be alright." I felt Rou's minty breath in my face as she took out her gun hidden under her jacket and started shooting, aiming at their shoulders and hitting it without any effort.

CLAN • MONSTA X [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now