CLAN ; 7

17 8 0

Hyungwon's POV

"Are you okay?" Rou's hands subconsciously went up to my face, cupping and turning it from side to side.

"I'm okay, really." I smiled. She heaved a sigh of relief but the reunion mood was cut short when a dagger stabbed into her shoulder. Rou growled lowly and turned around.

"Get them!" Suho smirked, pointing at us as Kai teleported into the car. In a flash, Rou jumped into the driver's seat, ripping the dagger out from her shoulder and throwing it at him, forcing him to teleport out. Stepping on the gas, she drove it out into the highway. I groaned in pain as my shoulder continued to bleed.

"Those bitches. When will they learn!" Shownu snarled, pushing me over to the middle of the seat as he took the left, kicking open the door.

"Changkyun, machine gun!" Changkyun bent down, one hand holding his phone as the other took out a machine gun and threw it to Shownu from outside and over the open door. Shownu caught the machine gun and turned around, firing.

"Mom? Yeah, its Kyunnie! Throw the IM-126 out the window! Thanks, I love you!" Changkyun shouted into the phone before ending the call and taking out a PS4 controller and chugged its USB into the car's door.

"Tryna play Persona 5, eh Kyunnie?" Rou asked, speeding pass a red light.

"Nah, I'm waiting for my baby." He said, tapping on the controller.

"Rou, Drive us past the hospital!" Wonho shouted as Rou nodded, tossing a lollipop into her mouth, passing the hospital.

"Roger!" She shouted. Minhyuk threw the right door open while She swerved the vehicle for a 360 U-turn, he jumped out the door as I hurriedly closed it, like what hyung instructed. Seconds later he teleported back in, hands full of first-aid kits.

"Hold on, Hyungwon!" Rou shouted, turning back to look at me as Wonho helped her slammed the huge black button on the steering wheel with what I think is the MONSTA X logo as the car started to shift. The interiors was brown but now it changed to a pitch black, LED screens filled the windows of the car and the steering wheel changed to what a racing car's look like.

"Two can play that game! Baekhyun!" Xiumin shouted as their car started changing as well. Rou smirked as Wonho pressed a button on his LED screen, making the car bounce over theirs and continue driving back onto the expressway.

"They're playing with fire." Kihyun laughed, tapping away on his screen and shooting who-knows-what at the opponent who isn't that far behind us.

"What the hell is happening?!" I shouted, so amazed by what happened to a regular, everyday car.

"This is JH-106! Beautiful car with high-tech installments by Jooheon himself!" Rou then pressed a button on Jooheon's LED screen, making the top of the car turn transparent. I widened my eyes at the fighter jet that's flying towards us.

"That's IM-126! Kyunnie's baby fighter jet!" Rou swerved the car again as Shownu successfully deflated one of EXO's wheels, making the vehicle spin out of control. Our car swerved to a stop in the middle of the deserted road. Changkyun let out an evil laugh as he pushed a orange button on his controller, making a missile launcher reveal itself from the side of the jet.

"Game over." He smirked as the missile launched at the spinning car, exploding it into rain of flames from the flying debris. I stared with my mouth open.

They just killed...

"Hyungwon?" Rou's face flashed worry as she turned in her seat to me.

"You just killed them?" I asked, blinking my eyes multiple times, hoping it's just a dream.

"As your persona, your life above others. Besides, everyone knows not to mess with MONSTA X." She gave a half-smile before turning to Changkyun.

"Fly us home or we'll be late for dinner with Mom." Changkyun nodded as he flew the jet above us, pressing a blue button this time. The bottom of the jet opened as rope with hooks were dropped, attaching themselves to the car and lifting us into the sky.

"Stop them!" We all turned to the police cars on the road, taking out their guns.

"Wear this everyone."Kihyun put sunglasses on us as Minhyuk took a sniper gun out from the box under his seat and sniped one of the cars, exploding it instantly.

"My aim never misses!" He kissed his gun.

"Get rid of them, they're making us late." Rou's straight expression stayed on her face as she looked at Changkyun again. The boy just shrugged, stretching himself in the seat before pressing a red button. Lasers started shooting down onto the ground.

"Hyungwon, just look at me." Rou made me face her as she took bandages from the first-aid kit and dealt with my shoulder, bloodcurdling screams of agony and pain echoed from below.

"I'm afraid you're gonna get nightmares after looking at what's happening."  


Rou's POV

After dinner with Mom, Hyungwon looked really spaced out half the time. I snapped my hands in front of him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked as he turned his entire body towards me.

"What are you really?" He asked and looked up when Wonho made an appearance.

"Well, I'm half-human and half-everything else. The rest are pure demons and what you see now of them is their morphs."

"You don't wanna see my real self. I'll probably give you nightmares." Wonho chuckled before wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Hey! I wanna hug Rou too!" Kihyun jumps down from the second floor and tackled me into a hug. I merely just sighed as Jooheon casually turned on the TV, a bowl of chips in his grasp as he threw himself onto the water bed.

"A mass murder scene was found, the biggest disaster ever recorded. 12 young boys, about 40 police officers and 32 police cars were burnt into ashes, leaving behind no evidence. Who did this was unknown but we know that, it was no ordinary human's work. However, we found a picture that somehow survived the fire." A picture of the 8 of us were on the screen, all wearing sunglasses.

"A girl and 7 boys, who have fangs and weapons. Just who are this people and what do they want from our society?"

"Damn Kihyun, I never knew you were that type of person." Shownu sneered, pointing at Kihyun in the picture, pointing the middle finger.

"Well, now you know hyung." He yawned, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Excuse our charisma people, we're just called MONSTA X." Hyungwon smirked as I smiled at him.

"You finally are part of us, eh dongsaeng." Wonho caught him in a headlock and ruffled his hair.

"Definitely." He grinned.  


early update cuz i can

~ Rou / Kisung

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