CLAN ; 6

19 8 1

Hyungwon's POV

Sometimes I fucking hate Rouyoung and the guys

"I fucking hate yall." I cussed as I tugged the skirt down awkwardly.

"He looks like a girl, right?" Rou grinned at her masterpiece - which is me. Wonho took one look at me and dropped to the floor, laughing and kicking.

"Don't laugh at him, you hoe." Rou sat on his tummy, cupped his face and shook it. "I'll put eyeliner on your eyelids if I have to make you look pretty."

Why did I agree to this?

"The skirt's too short..." I complained, trying to tug it down but Rou slapped my hand away. The shirt hugged my waist way too tight, making it a bit harder to breathe. God, I may have to remove some ribs.

"I'm wearing the same one!" Rou whined, twirling.

"Hyung still looks smexy to be honest, and Thunder loves girls." Jooheon smirked, getting a glare from me.

The plan is; I'll act like a girl at this Thunder guy's party tonight - technically in an hour's time - and lure him away from the crowd. Then the rest will handle it.

"I don't feel safe right now, I feel very exposed." I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My long legs longing for my skinny jeans back and my face heavy with massive layers of makeup.

"This plan isn't 100% foolproof so I'm gonna make a deal with you. A Demon's Deal." Rou said as she flew over to me from the couch.

"You'll be my master and I'll be your demon/hybrid whatever I'm called till the end of time. If anything is to happen to your life I will take full responsibility and in sacrifice, my life for yours. Deal?" She held out her hand.

That sounds... cool?

"Then it's settled!" She read my mind, grinned as she took my hand, her fangs showing. My hand stung for a second before a ring appeared on my finger. "The evidence of the contract, it shows that now Chae Hyungwon is officially MONSTA X's." Kihyun explained, seeing my confused face.

"I'm now your persona. Just call me and I'll be there." She smiled.

"This is... cool?" A smile tugged my lips.

"Now that the persona thing has been settled, let's go or we're gonna be late." Shownu shoved us out the door as Minhyuk teleport us over.

About Luhan and Kai, they went back to EXO since we returned to our own mansion.

Rou put on an eye patch before we stepped in.

"What's with the eye patch?" I whispered.

"I'm known as Ace here, master. Different name, different look." I shuddered at her words.

"Don't call me master. That sounds... wrong."

"You're just thinking wrong, hyung." Changkyun wiggled his eyebrows as I scoffed.

"Sure, Hyungwon." She replied before someone stopped us.

"Ace! Lovely to see you at the party again, I've been expecting you!" A muscular guy and Rou exchanged a bro fist.

"Hoseok, my boy!" He gave Wonho a big hug.

"Didn't forget you two, Hyunwoo, I.M." He said cheerfully. His eyes fixed on me as I gulped.

"Pardon me, Thunder. This is Minhyuk, Jooheon, Kihyun and Hyungwon!"

So this guy's Thunder?

Thunder scanned me up and down with his eyes.

"She looks pretty, is she good in bed?" I almost choke on the drink that I was offered by a servant. Rou smirked.

"She may be your type. Hyungwon, say hi." She nudged me as I cleared my throat.

"My pleasure to meet you, Thunder." I raised my voice so it sounds more girly. Thunder took my gloved hands and kissed it.

"Nice to meet you too, my lady."

"We'll leave Hyungwon to you for now. We have some business to attend, keep her company." Her gaze fixed on me as she smiled slightly.

"I will take care of her. Good luck on your business, Ace." In an instant, Minhyuk teleported them away.

When I get my hands on you, Rouyoung. You're fucking dead

"It's too noisy here, my lady. Let's take this conversation somewhere else?" He held my hand as I nodded. We went up the stairs towards a room. I swear, heels are so hard to walk in.

"Let's talk in the balcony." Thunder opened a door and pushed me in. I tried to push him away but he caught me in a headlock, wrapping my nose and mouth with this weird smelling cloth. Soon, I lost my consciousness.

Rou's POV (Filler)

"You think this will work, Rou?" Jooheon asked as we sat outside in our car.

"It should, and if anything happens, I'll feel it too." Just as I finished my sentence, I gasped for air, as if someone got me in a headlock.

"Rou!" Shownu turned around from the driver seat. After about a minute or two, I finally could breathe as I heaved. The ring on my finger started flickering.

"Fuck. Hyungwon's in danger." I wanted to jump out of the car but Changkyun grabbed my shoulder.

"Wait for him to call you. That way you can just teleport to him." I sighed as I nodded, waiting for his call as I kept checking my hand, hoping the ring is still there.

"Rou! I'm here!" I unhinged my claws and fangs as I growled.

"Teleport to me in 2 minutes." I told the rest before teleporting to Hyungwon.

Hyungwon's POV

I woke up, hands chained inside a huge bird cage. The spotlights shone on me as a crowd of people stood below the stage, all wearing masks.

"Another girl for sale! Her name's Hyungwon and the best about her is her long legs! Go!" I looked over to the side and saw Thunder, shouting to the crowd. As soon as he said go, people started shouting prices.


"I'll take him for $8500!"

"$10500 here!"

A black market, for humans

I thought of Rou's words as Thunder tore off the duct tape on my mouth.

I'm now your persona. Just call me and I'll be there

"Rou! I'm here!" A figure appeared infront of me, a smirk appearing on her face as she looked at me.

"Hey, who are you?" Thunder asked, getting out his gun.

"You called, Hyungwon?" Her claws and fangs were already unhinged, waiting for my orders. Thunder shot a bullet at her direction but she caught it between her fingers as the crowd gasped. I smirked.

"Get me out of here." 6 more figures appeared as they slaughtered the crowd. I closed my eyes, afraid I'll throw up from the gore as screams and flesh ripping echoed endlessly throughout the room.

It slowly faded as I open my eyes, meeting Rou's tired figure as she wiped the blood off her fangs.

"Let's get you out of here. Sorry ya gotta see that gore." She sheepishly shrugged her shoulders as stepped on the chains with her trusty combat boots, breaking it while she tore the cuffs off my hands. Minhyuk sped towards us and teleported us out and back to the car.


early update cuz i feel like dozing off

~ Rou / Kisung

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