CLAN ; 8

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“Hey, we have the whole week off due to that accident!” Jooheon ran into the living room again.

“Jinjja? Yes! Rou, we’re hanging out.” Wonho grabbed my waist and lifted me up into the air.

“Okay yall calm the fuck down and PUT ME DOWN!” Seeing no reaction from Wonho, I scoffed before teleporting out of his grasp.

“No fair! Everytime we have a day off you always take her! Doesn’t mean you're the Co-leader you can do everything you want.” Changkyun crossed his arms and glared at the older.

“You made Changkyun sad, Wonho. That’s a no-no.” I shook my pointer finger at him before sitting down in front of Changkyun. The latter saw me but still had a straight face on. I shook my head before I started to act cute.

“Oppa~ Jongmal mianhaeeeee!” I made a cute little face as the side of his lips tugged into a small smile.

“You win.” Changkyun groaned before giving me a huge hug. Hyungwon and Wonho coughed very loudly, looking at each other using that glare again.

“Kids, we got a customer!” Mom shouted as all of us ran into my Mom’s office. Seeing Hyungwon so confused, Jooheon grabbed his hand and dragged him along.

“Looks like the break will have to wait.” Minhyuk sighed as he slammed the door close.

“Position everyone!” I shouted, throwing myself onto the huge spinnable chair and threw my boots onto the redwood table.

“Just stand next to Rou, Hyungwon.” Wonho nudged him into position before standing on the other side.

“Game time.” Changkyun smirked, grabbing the sunglasses off the table and wearing it himself.

“My children knows how to deal with your hatred. Come, lets talk to them, shall we?” Mom’s voice rang as she opened the door.

“You’re MONSTA X? Just a bunch of kids?” The man questioned, taking a seat in the couch.
“That, you’re wrong. Tell me, what brings you here today, Mister?” I slowly put my feet back onto the floor.

“Scout out BTS and destroy them.” He snarled, glaring at me.

“Why so?” Minhyuk crossed his arms.

“We don’t kill for no reason.” Shownu yawned, looking very uninterested.

“They took my entire family! They killed my wife and daughter, framing both my sons, leaving me with NOTHING! I’ve beared this for 5 years, no more!” He yelled, throwing his hands onto the coffee table.

“I’ve went through alot to find you, Ms Choi and I’m not going to leave empty-handed.” Rou sighed before standing up.

“Fine, we’ll take your case. In exchange, you will not blurt about ANYTHING that’s related to us. If you do, you better pray for your own safety.” I flicked my finger as Minhyuk teleported him out the door.

“Have a good day, Mister!” Minhyuk smiled widely, waving before closing the door. Once he did, his expression turned into a scowl.

“Why did you accept that, Rou?” He questioned, mumbling as he poured himself a cup of coke.

“We hate them too, now don’t we? Killing them and agreeing to that man’s order is getting 2 birds with one stone.” I smirked, clasping my hands together.

“We’ll deal with this tomorrow.” Hearing that, Shownu turned around and threw out a fat, hard covered book. He ran his finger down the first page, stopping in the middle and opening to the specific page.

“Bulletproof Boy Scout, here’s the info yall.” Shownu placed the book on the coffee table and slid it towards my end.

“I have a really bad feeling about this, Rou. A really bad feeling.” Changkyun mumbled, staring at the page with all the information.

“Come on, Kyunnie!” Kihyun nudged the younger.

“Let’s go now!” Minhyuk, being the fucking hyper one, teleported all of us outside BTS’ little hideout.

“Yall are gonna regret this.” Changkyun sighed deeply before whipping out his scythe. “Just fucking get this over with.”

???'s POV (filler)

"So how did it go? Did they agree?"

"Went just as planned, you'll get that Chae Hyungwon boy soon, hyung."

Rou's POV

“Go, go, go! Joo, your 6 O’Clock, watch it!” Changkyun shouted as Jooheon barely dodged the arrow that was being shot at him.

“Fuck! There’s too many!” Wonho growled, his claws caked with ripped flesh and blood.

“Shit, where’s Hyungwon?!” I shouted, the blood dripping from my forehead restricting my eyesight.

“Here. Such a pity you focused on protecting yourselves than him, hm?” A deep voice chuckled as I hissed back in return, turning around before my eyes went fiery red. Half of Taehyung’s face was scratched and tore, pieces of flesh threatening to fall as he held Hyungwon by his chestnut hair.

“You lied, Rouyoung.” He pulled his hair harshly, making the younger’s claws unhinge from his hands. “He ain’t voodoo, he’s a morpher!”

Morpher... one who can change his power by choice

“He’s a good addition to BTS though.” Jimin whispered. Namjoon nodded, a sly smile forming on his face.

“I dare-” I point my loaded gun at him.

“One move and I’ll rip him with my scythe!” Yoongi shouted, his metallic blue scythe at Hyungwon’s throat.

“You wouldn’t dare.” I gritted my teeth as Taehyung threw Hyungwon onto the floor, stepping on his back.

“Leave. If you want him alive.” Jin smirked, loading his bow.

“Why you little-” Wonho unhinged his claws, launching at Taehyung. Jungkook jumped into the mix and stabbed Wonho’s shoulder with his own claws.

“Recklessness will not save your friend.” He said. “I suggest you leave first or he’ll get even more hurt.”

“You're younger than me dammit!” Wonho snarled.

“Just leave.” Hyungwon whispered, struggling to lift his head from the floor and flashing a weak smile. “I’ll be fine.”


“Go.” He breathed out as we got teleported back home. I stared in confusion.

“What the fuck Minhyuk?! Why did you teleport us away?” Changkyun shouted, turning to face him.

“I swear I did nothing!” He brought his hand up to stop Changkyun’s scythe that was about to cut his pretty face in half.

“Will you two just stop?” I grumbled in defeat, grabbing Changkyun’s scythe and flinging it out the window.

“My baby!” Changkyun shrieked, jumping out the window along with his scythe.

“They’ve gone too far.” I turned to look at everyone else while Changkyun flies back in, his scythe in his grasp.

“All of you, go and find him! Don’t bother to come back if you didn’t.” All of them jolted when they heard my tone.

“Go guys, I’ll stay with her.” Wonho pushed the rest out the window.
“Leave me alone.” I said, walking to my room and slamming the door close. I almost had no strength to reach my bed as I collapsed instantly on it, the ring flickering on my finger.

I’ve failed… as Hyungwon’s persona

Rip my writing its becoming like shit someone save me

CLAN • MONSTA X [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now