CLAN ; 4

16 8 3

Rou's POV

The next day, we arrived at school together, getting everyone's attention when we walked down the corridor to our class. Hyungwon uncomfortably shifted his longsleeve down his arms.

"Hey, he's human." One whispered, sniffing his hoodie.

"Oh, is he?" Another smirked, her claws unhinging and grabbing his arm. "Whatcha doing in this school, kiddo?"

"L-Let go..." Hyungwon muttered, yanking his arm back.

"Should we do something?" Wonho whispered, bending down to match my height and waiting for my answer.

"We'll wait." I mumbled but it was still audible. Hyungwon backed up from Yoongi as his back hit the lockers. Yoongi forcefully pinned him, pulling his hood that he had over his head down and admiring the milky skin.

"Such a lovely skin for a lovely mark." He snarled, his fangs unhinging from the roof of his mouth.

"Yah, yah, yah! He's ours!" Daehyun pushed in between Yoongi and Hyungwon, harshly shoving the older aside.

"Yeah, we found him first." Himchan growled.

Tryna lie, are we?

I cleared my throat and pushed them all aside, taking Hyungwon's hand and giving it a squeeze.

"He's ours. Anyone that touches him, yall better get your graves ready." I scowled, the rest of the gang walked towards us.

"Hear it clear! Chae Hyungwon is MONSTA X's property!" Wonho shouted so the whole crowd can hear it. I tugged Kihyun's hand as well, shoving our way out of the hallway and into our class.

"Thanks for saving me again, Rou." Hyungwon said as History class started.

"No problem, anything for my oppa." I gave him my eyesmile before taking my jacket and giving it to him.

"It has my perfume smell on it, anyone that has brains will stay away. Take it as insect repellent." He laughed at my comment before tying it around his waist, I must say checkered jackets fits him well.

"Will do, boss." He saluted as I gave him a soft punch at his chest.

"Rouyoung! Who's the communist father of Russia?" My History teacher called my name as I rolled my eyes.

"Stalin, who doesn't know that?" She looked pleased.

"Guess you weren't spacing out." She said before continuing her lesson. Both Hyungwon and I snickered.

"Rou, Rou!" Jooheon whispered, catching my attention while we were doing our given history work.

"What?" I yawned, turning around.

"Rouyoung, have you finished your work?" Ms. Bothersome asked, looking up from her marking. I cussed.

"Not yet, I'm helping Jooheon with the second question, he doesn't understand." I turned my whole chair around, Hyungwon doing the same.

"GOT7 needs help." Jooheon showed me a SOS message from Jaebum.

"Damn okay. Changkyun, text Mom and tell her to bust us out of school. The rest of yall, pack your bags. As soon as Ms. Bothersome gets Mom's call, we're flying." I used my telekinesis to help everyone pack their bag faster as Ms. Bothersome received a call from Mom.

"Hello Mrs Choi! Oh, yes okay. No, not a problem at all! I'll tell them right away." She ended the call.

"You 8, your mom's asking you to leave now." I instantly teleported everyone out of school.

"Lets go." Shownu said as he lifted into the sky and flew, everyone else following.

"Hold my hand." I nudged Hyungwon as he hesitantly took it.

"Hold on tight." Using all my strength, I lifted the both of us into the sky, taking off after the boys. Wonho saw my struggle and took Hyungwon's other hand, balancing his weight for both of us.

"Thanks oppa." I smiled as we caught up with the rest.

3rd POV

"They're here, Suho." Sehun rushed into the buliding.

"Going just as plan, good job everyone!" Baekhyun threw his paperworks before high-fiving Chen.

"Why did you want me to send a SOS message anyways, Kyungsoo?" Jaebum raised an eyebrow.

"It's just to get them here, asap. Since GOT7's their ally, right?" Jackson nods.

"I don't know what is so big that we can't take care of it and you need MONSTA X?" BamBam plopped himself onto the carpet, looking up at the rest.

"Look, thai boy. They have a human on them and I can sense voodoo magic flying off him." Kai snarled, kicking his feet off the floor and landing them on the desk where Baekhyun had his papers, his combat boots making a clinking sound.

"Hey, those papers are precious, don't just swing your heavy boots on them!" Luhan flicked his finger and the chair Kai was sitting on rolled away from the table.

"You said they're here Sehun, so where are they?" Xiumin asked. Lay closed his eyes before opening them again.

"Outside." Just as he said that, they burst in. 

Rou's POV

I nodded as Shownu kicked the door down. Minhyuk took out his daggers before speeding in, knocking one guy off the floor, threw him onto the wall and caught him at dagger's point. Turning around, he shot another 4 daggers, missing 4 others on purpose as they froze in place. While everyone was looking at Minhyuk, Wonho and Kihyun jumped up into the vents before dropping down on 2 others who were facing the door. Jooheon, Changkyun and Shownu then ran in, tackling the last 3.

"Just stay near me." I whispered before taking Hyungwon's hand, fishing out my gun using my other and walked in.

"Yall alright, Mark?" I asked, squeezing Hyungwon's hand as it started trembling.

"We've always been fine!" Youngjae shouted while hanging from the ceiling on his hands and legs, taking one hand off to wave.

"EXO here, they just wanted to talk to you asap, so they got Jaebum hyung to SOS you." Yugyeom yawned as Jinyoung just nodded. I raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously. Well I must thank you for getting us out of History class, it was getting boring." I spun my gun before pointing it at the guy named Suho.

"You're Suho right? Well, what do you want?"

"We just want the boy." Luhan smirked before the door suddenly close behind us. Xiumin then froze it in place. Sehun threw dust into Minhyuk's face, tackling him onto the floor. Changkyun threw a ninja star at their direction but Chen shot a lightning bolt, hitting it onto the floor.

They have amazing cooperation.

"How did you-" Before Changkyun could finish his sentence, Chanyeol took Wonho by his neck and wrestled his arms behind his back, throwing Minhyuk's dagger that was stuck in the wall at Changkyun, pinning his hand against the wall. Hyungwon suddenly hissed in pain, separating our hands. I shot the dagger with my gun, making it release Changkyun as he groaned in pain.

The injury isn't healing.

I took Hyungwon's hand and saw blood dripping on the floor. My eyes widen.

Changkyun's a reaper, which means Hyungwon's a...

I looked at him in shock.

"You're a voodoo?"  


cliffhanger lol xD i try to keep my chapters around 1000 words lol

~ Rou / Kisung

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