CLAN ; 3

18 8 0

Rou's POV

"We'll find them soon, oppas. We'll avenge you. They'll pay for what they did to me, to our family." I scowled, tears threatening to spill out from my eyes as I scrunched up the message those murderers left on my brothers' corpse 2 years ago.

"They won't win." A sudden knock on the door made me jump as I threw the paper under my pillow.

"Who is it?" I asked, walking towards the door.

"Its Hyungwon!" A smile tugged my lips as I opened the door for him.

"What brings you over, Hyungwon?" I fell back onto my bed as I flipped open my laptop.

"I was trying to waste time till dinner's ready. What are you doing?" Hyungwon stood at the edge of my bed, trying to see what was on my screen. I rolled over towards the wall and patted the empty spot next to me without taking my eyes off the screen. Hyungwon seems like he was considering the offer before laying down next to me as I scrolled through a news article.

"Victim claims he was attacked by a reaper?" he asked, taking my mouse and scrolling even more to read.

"That was probably Jooheon or Changkyun. Those two love to play with scythes." I yawned as the said duo came bashing into my room.

"Dinner's ready!" Jooheon shouted.

"I'm a girl? Shouldn't you at least knock on the fucking door?" I sighed.

"Oops, well Mom's waiting so hurry up you two! Hope we didn't interrupt anything." Changkhyun smirked and took his leave, dragging Jooheon down by his longsleeve. I slapped my laptop close before jumping over Hyungwon and into my slippers.

"Come on, oppa. The whole squad's waiting." I dragged him out of my room, seeing him frozen for some reason.

"Hey hey, have yall heard Rou's and Changkyun's little duet that they did?" Minhyuk piped up during dinner.

"Eat your food rascal." Both Changkyun and I gave him a light smack on the head.

"They did a song together? How come I haven't heard of it?" Wonho stretched his arms, hitting Hyungwon's head.

"Cause it was only for fun." I rolled my eyes.

"It was so cool though! Your voices really matched one another-" Minhyuk's mouth was suddenly sewn shut.

"Shut up, Minhyuk." I rubbed my temples as Changkhyun laughed at his hyung's attempt at breaking my little spell that was casted on him.

"Rou, come on. Let the poor boy go." Mom sighed while smiling at us. I eyed Hyungwon as he nodded, trying not to laugh at Minhyuk's gibberish that's being mumbled. I smiled slightly as I removed the spell.

"That's better!" Minhyuk growled, now digging furiously into his meal.

"Mom, I'm full." I put down my utensils and left the table after giving Mom a kiss on the cheek. Ever since Wenlay and Wenjun oppa left, I never ate much.

Hyungwon's POV

I stared at Rou's not-even-touched food. She's full already?

"Is Rou okay?" I asked Mom as I saw her lips frown.

"Not since Lay and Jun left." I guessed she was talking about Wenlay and Wenjun.

"What happened?" Curiosity kills the cat, Hyungwon. You shouldn't have asked that question.

"Well, two years ago, the 9 of them went to this famous restaurant in Gwangju. They were having so much fun when suddenly the werewolves living near in the woods started attacking the restaurant and its customers. To save the younger ones, Lay and Jun shoved them out the doors and locked themselves in with the wolves. They had nothing on them, all they were doing was buying time so Rou and the rest are able to escape. Since then, Rou never smile again, even if she does it was always forced." Mom explained but all I could hear was 'Rou never smiled'. She never did?

Why does that restaurant sound so familiar?

"Bring this to Rou, would you dear? She loves milk." Mom pushed a glass of chocolate milk into my hands. I nodded and headed out to the living room. Rou was lying on the water bed thingy and her eyes were closed. Is she asleep already?

"Rou?" Her right eyelid lifted as she stared at me.

"Yeah?" She sat up and patted the space next to her as I plop myself down.

"Mom told me about what happened. I'm sorry for your loss." I passed her the glass of milk as she scoffed, drinking it down in a few gulps.

"It's not your fault. It's those betrayers." Her hand that was holding the glass trembled before the glass shattered in her hands.

"Hey, calm down okay?" My hands subconsciously went to pat her head. Her hair is really soft and fluffy.

Just like Hyungrin

I heard Rou let out a loud sigh as the glass pieces floated to the dustbin in front of the coffee table. She unclasped her hand as blood dripped onto the pink carpet. A few seconds later, her hand healed itself.

"You remind me of Lay and Jun." She half-smiled as I took my hands off her head. Before I could even utter 'Sorry' for bringing back the past, she grabbed my hand and placed it back onto her head.

"Don't stop, I miss them patting my head." She leaned into my embrace as I just pat her. I could hear her heartbeat, syncing with mine as she slowly drifted to sleep.

What is this feeling?

I was so caught up in the moment when Wonho coughed.

"Bring her up to her room or she'll catch a cold." He growled lowly, turning on his heels before stomping his way back to the kitchen.

I can smell the jealousy from him

I smirked before picking Rou up gingerly, not wanting to wake her from her slumber and walked towards her room. Having no hands, I bumped the door open with my hip and lay her on her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. I smiled to myself, before kissing her forehead before leaving.

"You remind me of Hyungrin a lot, Rouyoung."  



~ Rou / Kisung

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