CLAN ; 9

24 7 1

Wonho’s POV (surprise surprise)

I stared at her sleeping figure on my bed. Yep, she went into my room to lock herself up. She looks so fragile-

Fuck Wonho, stop staring

I gave myself a slap as I thought back to the day when she took me in…

It was winter that time of the year and I came back from school, like always. I’d never liked coming home, cause my parents despise me.

“So you’re back, Hoseok? Go clean up the front yard!” My dad shoved me into the wall as a wine bottle crashed next to my head.

“What were you suppose to answer back, you filthy bitch?” He shouted.

“Yes, m-master.” I stuttered, running up the stairs to my room.

“Don’t let me see you again, slut!” Dad slurred.

“Why must we have a cursed child like you? What have we done in our lives to get you?!” My mum shouted in tears at me, holding the door so I couldn’t close it.

“I’m feeling restless right now.” Dad cracked his knuckles, walking up the stairs and stopping next to mum.

“Whip or belt this time?”

“How about both.” My eyes widen as I brought my hands up to cover my face. Pain raised up from all over my body as I just screamed and screamed, choking on my own tears before passing out.

It's like this everyday, the neighbours can’t do anything cause they’re afraid. I painfully staggered to the toilet and looked at the reflection in the mirror. Just like always, my face is unrecognisable.

“Hoseok! Get your ass out of the house now! We’re expecting guests!” Mum yelled from the kitchen. I swung my bag onto my shoulders and dash out of the house, not wanting another beating before school.

I’ve hated my life till that day.

Before class started this little girl came into our class. She had really smooth and long ombre hair, a cute little face and she’s wearing a shirt and pants, like a boy.

“Are you sure I’m in the right class, mom?” She asked, looking around to see only taller males and no females.

“I’m sorry, Rouyoung. For now, you’ll have to study here till mummy finishes up with her work. After that, we can move back to Seoul, alright?” Her mum cooed. The girl looked around the class as if she sensed something. As soon as her eyes locked with me, it flashed red for a second. Hurriedly, I looked down, avoiding her eyes.

“You sensed him, right?” Her mum whispered.

Wait, she whispered and I can hear her?

I brought my eyes back onto them.

“That’s him, mom. That’s Shin Hoseok.” She whispered back.

“You know what to do.” Her mum gave her a pat on the head before bowing to the teacher and leaving Rouyoung behind.

“Class, this is Choi Rouyoung. As you know, this is a boy school so I expect everyone of you here to look after her. She won’t be staying for long, maybe only a few days. You’ll sit next to Shin Hoseok.” She said, pointing to me as I cringed.

I hate my name, I hate it with a passion

Rouyoung nods before picking up her bag and walked towards me.

CLAN • MONSTA X [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now