13: starbucks

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Mitch's POV

I woke up in Scott's arms, as happy as I've ever been in a while.
He was holding me all night, and he actually cared about me.
I can't believe he likes me.
I can't believe I asked him out.
I don't know where that confidence came from.

Scott started to wake up. I rolled over, facing him and smiled.
He smiled, tiredly.
He rubbed his eyes and yawned.
"Good Morning, Mitchy." He says.
I smile.
"Morning, Scotty." I say with a smile.
He puts his arm around me, and hugged me tight.
I smiled.

Scott's POV

When he smiled at me, I knew we were made to be.
I want to kiss him, but I don't know if it's too soon.
I unwrap my arms from around him and start getting ready for the day.
He eventually gets up and makes his way to his room and gets ready as well.
We both met back up in the living room, and decided to go to Starbucks.
I remember he always used to love that place.
He always used to go there with Travis, but he said he was ready to give it another try.
He was scared, you could tell.
But I promised him that I wouldn't let anything happen to him, and I'm not going to break that promise.
He grabbed his phone as I grabbed the keys to my Ford '05 mustang.
I locked the house door and opened the passenger door to my car.
"My man" I say with a smile.
He smiles back.
"Thank you sir." He says in a deeper tone.
I smile and then get into the drivers seat.

We drive to Starbucks. On our way there, we stop at a stoplight.
He looks at me, and I look at him.
He smiles, making me smile.
And that very moment, right there, is when I decided to kiss him.
I leaned in, and put my hand on his neck.
He smiled, knowing what I was doing and leaned in as well.
And all of a sudden, we kissed.
It felt amazing, it felt unreal.
He was so perfect, I can't believe we're dating.
He's perfect.
I pull away, because it was our turn to go, the stoplight had changed to green.
He smiled and interlocked our hands.

I pulled into Starbucks, and parked the car.
I walked to Mitch's side and opened his door for him, putting out a hand for him.
He smiles and grabs my hand.

We walk into Starbucks and Mitch's grip gets tighter.
I look at him, as his smile fades.
He gets really nervous, and almost has tears in his eyes.
Oh no...
I look in front of us, and see Travis.
I look at mitch.
"You're okay, I got you." I say, calmly.
He shakes his head.
"You're okay, I promise. Ignore him. I'm not letting you go." I say.
He nods.
We get in line, and Order our drinks.
Mitch keeps cautiously looking around, and making sure Travis won't hurt him.
We grabbed our drinks and were about to walk out the door.
But we were stoped by an alarming yell.
"Mitch?!" Travis yelled.
Mitch gripped onto my hand the tightest he has ever griped onto it before.
He was scared out of his mind.
And I would be too.

Travis came up to him.
"Is this your body guard? Scott?" He snaps.
Mitch shakes his head.
"N-No..." Mitch said.
I'm proud of him for talking, he wants to show Travis he is better.
"Oh!! Look who's talking!!" Travis says sarcastically.
"Didn't miss that voice of yours." He said.
Mitch looks down. "Lea-leave me alone."
"Why? Why won't you look at me?" Travis said.
"Travis, leave him the hell alone. You have done enough to him, and he doesn't deserve to be treated they way you used to. He's better now, he's better off without you." I say.
"Protective? Jeez." Travis said.
"Well Mitch, I see your not going to say much. You're too scared. Have a great day, loser." He says, walking past Mitch and stepping on his foot, as hard as he could.
Mitch instantly dropped down to his foot and held it, as tears rolled down his face.
I let go of his hand and walked to Travis, taking Travis outside.
I held my fist up, and slammed it into his face.
He couldn't fight back, he couldn't. He was too weak.
He was on the ground.
I walked back into Starbucks, and helped mitch.
I picked him up, kissed his head and brought him ice.
His foot felt bad, but he was okay now.
I wasn't paying attention to anyone, other than Mitch.
Not realizing, Travis got back up and walked through the door. He came up behind me.
I hear Mitch yell, "Scott!! Behind you!!"
And after that, everything went black.
Travis Knocked me out.


I wake up.
I'm in a room.
I'm in a bed.
Mitch is... Mitch isn't in the room.
Where.. where is he?
"Mr.Hoying, How are you feeling?" A lady in a white shirt says.
"W-what happened? Where's Mitch?" I ask, frantically.
"You're in the hospital, your were out for about 25 minutes. You got knocked out. And Mitch, he is in the next room, talking to some blonde haired man.
"N-no!! No... d-don't.. don't let h-him talk t-to him!! T-Travis is b-bad!!" I yelled.
She thought it was a joke so she laughed.
It wasn't a joke.
This was serious.
"M-Mitch!!" I yelled.
"Hey.. calm down, Mr.Hoying. I'll get him for you." She said, walking out of the room and coming back with Mitch.
Mitch was crying.
What did Travis do??
"M-Mitchy, w-what's wrong?" I asked.
He stayed quiet.

A/N: Hey y'all!! Longer chapter!! Sorry for not updating last night!! I will update again tomorrow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Comment your bought on this chapter!! I love hearing your thoughts!! Talk to y'all tomorrow!!💗💗

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