17: on the run

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Travis POV

I got away from the cops, I was on the run. And I was going to get Scott.
Scott needed to get away from Mitch, so I could have him back.
Mitch was mine and will be mine again.

Scott's POV
Travis took off running, and came running towards me.
He tried to push me down, but I realized I was stronger.
I held him up, as he was still pushing towards me.
He wouldn't stop.
Mitch got up behind him.
"Mitch, no!" I yelled, not wanting him to get hurt.
Travis turned around and went towards Mitch.
Travis pushed Mitch, and mitch fell to the ground.
I grabbed Travis hands before he punched Mitch and pinned Travis against the wall.
"Travis, if you ever touch mitch again, you will be dead. You understand me?!" I say.
He stays quiet.
"I said, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" I yelled.
He nodded.
He was scared.
The cops found him, and put him in handcuffs.
Mitch was laying on the floor, scared as hell.
He wasn't talking, and he was holding his knees.
Oh no...
"Mitchy... you're okay..." I say, attempting to help him up.
"D-don't touch me!!" He yelled.
This is how he acted when Travis dropped him off at the hospital.
"Mitch, you're okay. I promise, baby. Nothing is going to happen to you. We're going home." I say.
He's getting worse...
"N-no..." he mumbled.
"Is this what Travis did last time? Is that why you're so scared?" I asked.
He nodded and started crying.
"Oh Mitchy... we're going home, and let's watch spongebob, okay?" I said.
He nodded.
I picked him up and brought him to the car.
We drove home.
I picked him up and brought him upstairs to his room, and later him on his bed.
"I'm going to get changed, I'll be right back okay?" I said.
He nodded.
I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror.
I had a huge black eye, and a bump on my head.
All of a sudden, I got dizzy.
I felt the back of my head, and there was blood. From when Travis pushed me.
I get a rag and put it against my head.
I change, and walk into Mitch's room.
"I'm sorry..." he said.
"For what?" I ask, sitting on his bed, putting pressure on my head.
"Travis hurt you..." he mumbled.
"I'm fine." I say.
"No you're not, Scott!! And it's all my fault!! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in this mess. Your head would be fucked up, you would be okay!! Travis should have taken me back, I don't deserve someone as nice as you... I'm stupid, I should have helped you. I'm sorry..." he says, wiping a tear from his face.
"Mitch, listen. I'm not hurt, I'm fine.-" I tried to say.
"Scott!! You're beat up!! You have a black eye!!" He yells.
"It doesn't hurt, I'm fine. But listen to me. You're not hurt, and that's what matters. I'm okay, and the black eye will go away. You're safe, I'm safe. Everything's okay. I promise." I say, moving the rag from my head.
"But... you're hurt..." he says, taking the rag and holding it against my head.
"I'm okay. I love you." I say, leaning towards him.
He kissed me. I smiled, and all the pain went away.
He pulled away and I smiled.
He smiled too.
"Better?" He asks.
"Better." I say, laying down.
Mitch lays down and pulls the blankets over him and put his head on my chest.
"Tell me if you're in pain, and let me know if I can help." He says.
"Okay, thank you." I say, smiling.
He smiles.
"I'm sorry, again. I love you." He says, yawning.
"It's okay, everything's okay.  Love you too, rest baby." I say, kissing his head.
He smiles and falls asleep.
"Goodnight, Mitchy." I say, falling asleep, holding him.

A/N: Hey y'all!! I hope you enjoyed his chapter!! I'm writing a new book, but I don't think I'm going to publish it until this book is finished. But maybe!! Anyway, love y'all!! I'll update tomorrow!! Lots of love!! Ttyl!!💗💗

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