22: He's on the move

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Mitch's POV

I woke up, on Scott's bed. But scot wasn't there.
He was downstairs. I could hear him.
I wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but he was being loud.
I got out of bed, forgetting that every time I walk, I get dizzy.
As soon as I got up, I stumbled to the ground. I don't know why I felt like that, but it scared me.
I somehow managed to make it downstairs, and saw a blonde standing in the kitchen. But it wasn't Scott.
I instantly backed up, but fell over, making the blonde turn around.
He turned around and made me freeze in fear.
Travis was in our house. I don't know how, or why. He was coming towards me with a pan, and was about to hit me.

I woke up and cling onto Scott.
"Bad dream?" He asked.
How did he know?
I nodded.
"You were talking in your sleep." He said.
"Oh..." I said.
"You still dizzy?"
I nodded.
"I called the nurse." He paused, making sure I was okay. "She said that you'll be okay, and that you feel that way because you haven't walked in a while."
"Oh... will it go away."
Scott nodded. "She said if you can't feel part of your leg, you could have done damage to it. That could be why you're dizzy too."
"I can't feel the lower parts of my legs..."
"Oh.. let's keep an eye on it, okay? You could have gotten hurt when Travis threw you."
"Oh..." I paused. "How long was I out?"
"About a month."
Damn, that was long.

Scott and I talked for a while, and he told me things that made me happy.
He made me feel happy again.
Scott told me that I would feel better soon, and that all this stress, it would go away.
He told me that Travis would go away too.
But that didn't mean Travis wouldn't leave my thoughts.

Ever since we got home, I've been scared that Travis will come back and do worse things.
Because they haven't caught him, Travis is still on the loose.

Travis... is... Travis is on... he's on the loose.

Stop it, Mitch. Stop worrying about it.

Too late, it's already happened.

I start having a panic attack, and Scott realizes right away.
He pulls me close and rubs my back, he tells me to take deep breaths and to focus on his voice.
I stop crying, and feel really dizzy again.
Scott rubs my back, still comforting me, and making sure I'm okay.
He walks downstairs, to get me something to drink.
I wish he would stop leaving me alone. Because every time he does, I feel like I'm not really alone and Travis is there with me.
And this time I thought I was wrong, I thought there was no one. How could there be?
But... I was so wrong.
There was a pounding on the window, and it was...
it was him...

I got up, still extremely dizzy, barley could walk, and I somehow managed to run to Scott, gripping into his waist.

Scott knew what was wrong and instantly told me that everything was okay.
He told me to sit on the floor, where Travis wouldn't be able to see me.

Scott walked upstairs, and opened the window.
All of a sudden, I hear a loud scream, followed by another, and another.
The first and second we're Scott's, but the last one, the loudest, was Travis.
Scott came down about 10 minutes later.
For the whole ten minutes, there was complete silence. Not a sound.
Scott walked down the stairs, looking upset and crushed.

What happened??

A/N: Hi!! Sorry for not updating last night, I got really stressed and couldn't update. But I'm better now. There is 9 days of school left until the summer, and my finials are this week.
But anyway, it's the weekend, and I'm going to enjoy it!! I hope y'all have a great weekend!!
I'll update tomorrow!! Love y'all!!💗💗

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