19: wake up

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Scott's POV

I ran around, looking high and low for Mitch.
I saw something.
And I knew, it had to be Mitch.
He was on the ground, passed out.
Oh no...
I run to him and shake him.
"Mitch!!" I yell. "Wake up!!"
Travis really must have thrown him hard.
Again, I'm such a bad boyfriend.
I should have helped him.
God Damnit Scott.
I pick mitch up and take him to the car and speed to the hospital.

At the hospital

The nurses take mitch to an open room right away. The invited me inside and told me to relax.
They insured me that they would help mitch and do their best to get him awake as soon as they could.
They hooked him up to oxygen tubes and an IV.
They made sure his pulse was good and covered his legs with a blanket so he wasn't cold.
Either Mitch was sleeping, or he is passed out.
They haven't exactly told me yet.

Mitch hadn't moved a muscle since they brought him in and it's been almost 3 hours now.
I'm getting worried.

A nurse came back in and had bad news.
"Mitch has slipped into a coma." They said.
My heart dropped and shattered into a million pieces.
"What?! Y-you can't be serious.. h-he's okay.. I-I know it..." I stuttered, placing my hand on Mitch's.
She shook her head. "We're sorry, Scott. Results show that when he got thrown, his head hit the ground hard, making things in his body shut down."
"Will he wa-wake up?" I said, holding tears back.
"At this point, all we can do is wait. You are more than welcome to go home and get some rest. He won't be waking up anytime soon. Come back once you are rested." She says.
I nod, and kiss Mitch's head.
I make my way to my car, holding back all my emotions.

Back at the apartment

The door was still wide open.
There was no one inside the house. Thank god.
I walked in and closed the door.
I made sure all the doors were locked and headed up to my room.
I sighed, and threw myself on the bed and started crying.
I'm not the type to cry, at all. I try to stay strong for anyone and everyone. All the time.
I hate crying, and I think it makes me look weak.
Especially if I cry in front of mitch.
I can't...
I just have to cry.
When things come to Mitch, it hurts me.
Knowing I won't hear his beautiful voice, or laugh for who knows how long, scares the living daylights out of me.
All I want is for him to be awake.
For him to be okay.
I want to hear his cute little voice, and hear him giggle.
Thinking about this, only makes me cry harder.

At this point, I've been crying for 3 hours, and I need sleep.
I pull myself underneath the blankets, still crying and try to sleep.

My best friend... he isn't home...


The next day

I wake up, my eyes are bloodshot, and puffy.
I quickly shower and get ready to go back to the hospital to see Mitch.
I grab my car keys and run out the door, locking it behind me.
I drive as fast as I can, without getting a speeding ticket.
I finally get to the hospital and run to Mitch's room.
I knock on his door, hoping to hear his little voice say 'come in'. But I didn't hear that.
I opened the door.
Mitch still hasn't moved.
He was in the same position as he was when I left late last night.
His clothes, still on and dirty from being pushed to the ground, and his hair all messy.
His face had blood on it, from being pushed and he didn't wear a smile. It was a frown, an upset face.
He had year marks on the sides of his face.
If it wasn't for my slow, stupid, idiotic self, none of this would have happened.
He will never admit or agree to me, but this was my fault.
I shouldn't have been so slow, I shouldn't of fell when Travis tripped me.
And I should have been there quicker.
Mitch looked like he was in bad pain, but the nurses said that the had done x-rays and that every bone in his body was good.
They said that the only thing that might be causing him pain is his head.
But there was nothing that they could do until he woke up.
I wondered and wondered if he would wake up today.
I didn't take my eyes off him.
Because if he moved, I wanted to see it.
The only motion that I could see was his chest raising up and down as he breathed.


Days and days go by, he still hasn't woken up.
It has been almost a week, and I have been in his room every single day, right by his side.
I won't leave him.
He's not going to be lonely.

It's been 1 week and 3 days.
Still noth-
My jaw dropped.
I ran to get a nurse.
"His hand moved!!" I said, with a little bit of hope.
She smiled. "He is gaining strength." She said.
She went over to the monitor that was near his bedside.
"Yup, he has gained a bunch more strength than he did coming in here." She said.
"That's a good thing." I said, she nodded in agreement.
"When will he wake up?" I asked.
"We still don't know. All of his nurses, and I are all praying for him. We are hoping he will wake up sometime in the next few days. But don't get your hopes up." She said.
I nodded.
His hand twitched.
The nurse saw it too.
She went over to the other side of Mitch and gently shook him.
"Mitch, honey. It's time to wake up." She tried.
He didn't awake.
Not yet.
"He will be awake soon. You'll get your boyfriend back." She said with a smile as she was about to leave the room.
"Wait..." I say, making her stop. "He will be okay, though. Right?" I ask.
She nodded. "He will be in some sort of pain when he wakes up. And he might've a bit confused about where he is at. But he will be okay." She said, leaving the room.
That took a lot off of my chest.
Mitch was going to be okay.
And that's all that matters, right?

A/N: Really long chapter. This was a stressful chapter to write, but what did y'all think?
Also, thank you all so much for 2k reads!!
I'll update tomorrow!! Ttyl!!💗💗

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