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He wants you more than ever
Once he sees you falling
Into the hands of Another....
And like a child he throws a fit

|Seojun pov|
He was still sleeping on my chest,so I kept still as possible not to wake this Beauty before me.
The way he hugged me last night....it was comforting,Sorrow filled,Yet caring.His heart is too fragile and 707 doesn't understand...
I felt him move and snuggle closer to me.


"But...i...love you....please DONT GO!"My shirt began to feel wet.In a panic I shook him as he let out chocked sobs and gripping my shirt tighter.I sat up and continued.
"I-I'm up!"He chocked out.I sighed in relief and held him closer.
"It's okay...tell me what happened in your dream..."

"What do you mean?"

"You were crying and screaming in your sleep,I was scared for a moment and all I do was shake you awake..."I wiped his tears which he failed to notice until now.M/n leans into my touch at first but moves to hug me once more.
"I don't want to speak about it now of you don't mind..."

"Take your time love..."After a few more sniff and hiccups he calmed down and being the gentlemen I am I handed him the box of tissues.
"Hey let's go down to eat at the cafe around the corner it's on me~"
He smiles and runs off to the bathroom to change.
I frowned at the sound for a moment and picked up my phone.
I knew he would text me again...time to poke the tiger with a stick~

|chat pov*707&seojun*|

707:Who the hell do you think you are,touching him like That!?

Seo:Morning to you too 707~
I was merely comforting him,no need lose what mind you have.

707:oh so giving him your sweater to wear to bed,sleeping on the same couch and cuddling is considered comfort?
Ha!where the Fuck have I been?
Listen here you little shit,if you so much as kiss him I'll kill you and make it look like an absolute accident!

Seo:I'd like to see you try~
*707 has left the chat*

|Luciel pov|
I threw my phone to the other side of the room and heard a yelp but I didn't care at first I started throwing other things around messing up the once clean room.
That baster is fucking with me!!!God I feel so Angry!Crap I need calm down before the food I had earlier-
It was too late I felt everything coming back up and so I dashed past
Vanderwood who was standing by the bathroom.
"You worked yourself up again!?"

"S-shut up..."I flushed the toilet but was pulled by the back of my head and forced to look at him.
"Heh,So...I don't know....what word am I thinking off?"


"Ah thank you!Stop being so childish when your toy has someone else playing with them!God watching you sulk over him is disgraceful,if you detest others touching what belongs to you then do something...did you know see the affection that guy is giving M/n!?In no time The beauty will fall for prince Charming and there's nothing you can do when Seojun take the V[A/n-Virgin] card away from M/n,and that means Seojun has him completely..body and soul~"His words hit me so hard I avoided eye contact with him.
He let out an disgusted grunt and let's go of me.The back of my head stung slightly due to how hard he pulled.
He's right...but...I can't indulge myself with love...I'm a hacker anyone who wants to love me will be in danger...god why am I so Fucked up!?

I got back to work after I cleared my head or so I thought,my face void of any kind of emotions but something was gliding down my face and falling on to my key board.
Stop falling...please....PLEASE STOP!
I jumped when a hand touched my shoulder.It was jiHyun?
Once I looked away from him I noticed the time...I haven't looked up for five hours...

"*sigh*Come with me you need something to eat."

"I'm not-*growl*"


"Fine I'm driving."JiHyun gave me a smile as we leave the house.

|M/n pov|
We went this breakfast cafe call rainbow waffle!
Jumin would never let me come here!
I was so excited I grabbed Seojun hand and ran inside.
"So cute~"

"Hey stop that~I'm 21!I'm not a-OH MY GOD THE WAFFLES ARE ACTUAL RAINBOW WAFFLES!!!"Seo-Oppa chuckle and we were lead to our seat.
The nice waiter already knew what I wanted and was very kind might I add but not so much to Seo-Oppa.
"There's no need to change faces,just be yourself~"I smiled sweetly not fully understand what actually happened between them.The rainbow waffles were soon done and brought out to us.
"So Seojun,what did you so before...you know being lured into Rika's apartment..."

"I worked as a dance instructor."I was interested in dance but never had the time to learn.
"You wouldn't mind teaching me how to dance some day?"I suddenly felt the heat rush to my face.
I was embarrassed to ask such a question  due to my high statics in society.Seojun smile and ruffled my chestnut hair.

He's so kind to me....maybe...I could-
A chime filled the cafe making us look at the door.My eyes widened when I see Luciel and JiHyun!However it may seem as of they haven't seen us yet.wait why am I worried?It's not like I'm doing anything wrong....I'm an adult,I can do what I damn well please!
I pouted slightly at myself only to hear a chuckle.
"God your cute~"

"I told you I'm not-"My world's came to a stop.

My mind froze as he moved away My E/c hues staring into his honey brown ones

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My mind froze as he moved away My
E/c hues staring into his honey brown ones.Soon there was quick and loud foot steps coming our way..it all happened so fast.

"LUCIEL DONT HURT HIM!"I jumped up and grabbed his arm only to be knocked down.

|No ones pov|
Luciel had no clue what he did to M/n.The young Han held his now red cheek with tears in his eyes.
"M/n I'm-"Before Luciel could apologize the young Han ran off.Leaving the three males stunned.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?How could you hit him?!Luciel you don't deserve the love he has for you!!!!"Seojun yelled and ran after M/n but didn't find Him.

As the M/n ran he bumped into
"M/n what happened to your cheek!?"
Yoosung said in a panic.M/n shook his head and asked for the Blondy to take him home.
~Time skip~
The two males made it to the penthouse.Yoosung took his seat on the couch and waited for the young Han to come out.

|Yoosung pov|
M/n gave me some shorts and a normal shirt to wear,since I insisted
On staying with him...
"Yoosung are you sure about staying with me?"

"Of course M/n-Oppa!"He blushed a bit an sat very close to me and leans his head on me.
I'm so happy!it's been so long since I've been this close to MY Oppa~
Luciel...why would you hurt him physically....look out Luciel because if you hurt him ever again....
I'm coming for you...
I chuckled at bit Causing M/n to look up at me.
"Laughing at a joke inside that cute mind of your?"

"Y-yeah but now that I think about it's not as funny anymore~"M/n being the person he is never questions me.
When he turned back to the TV,I felt a smile wedged itself onto my face.

I'll kill for him..I'll even die for him..all he needs to do is tell me what to do...I'll show him the best type of love~

To be continued~


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