°16°[Ordinary world]

946 26 3

You've got to stay strong to be strong in tough times.
|JiHyun pov|
It's been a sleepless week for me.M/n got mad at me for my lack of sleep but it's all in good reason..
How did she do this...
I sat on the porch and observed the largely surrounding area.
Must of took years to make this...her own creation where she plays God...
In the distance there was something moving...a Fox?Jumping off the porch I ran to see if I was right and well...I was.

The cute little guy was White with splashes of Sliver and Blue eyes.
"Hey there little buddy~"It's Ears twitch as it looked at me then comes closer to me as if it wasn't afraid of humans.Foxes here had to be born in captivity....so any animal here had the same treatment.
I picked the Fox up and took it back to the house.
"Maybe you can bring a big smile to his face~"Upon my return,there was no sound indicating he was up yet.
So I took it upon myself to surprise him with the Fox.

I placed a ribbon that was F/c around it's neck to make it cuter than what it already was and Put the fox on the bed.

|M/n pov|
Someone was poking my face,then it turned to a lick...
"Ugh..JiHyun I swear..."

"Well if you open your eyes then you would see."I sat up and rubbed my eyes as opened them slightly and saw a cute little face.I was now fully awake and saw it was a Fox!
"Where did you find this precious child!"


"She's sooooooooo cute!"JiHyun laughed at me before asking me if I  was hungry.I said yes but for some reason I thought about how long we've been here....
I went to the living room while he cooked.The cute little fox was energetic once she got comfortable with us.It's been...two months...or has it been more...not sure anymore...I miss my brother...and everyone else...
"M/n don't worry we'll get home somehow just..."

"We need a plan..I know."

"We also have to stay strong and keep hope alive."JiHyun smiled bitterly and beckon's me to the dinning room.When I got up from the floor the little fox follows me into the dinning room.
"So what are you going to name her?"

"Hmmm Eun[A/n-Silver in Korean],I mean since she has Silver patches of fur!"Eun yips happily while jumping around my feet.
I wounder what Jumin is doing...

|Jumin pov|
It's been two months....Two long and agonizing months....
"Jumin you need rest..."

"I'm fine Zen...Sleep is for the weak...."
Zen has been with me the whole time.
Jaehee stops by everyday along with everyone else.Elly and Saeran tend not to leave M/n's room since he disappeared....
"Zen C-check on those two for me."Zen looked hurt but leaves to check on them.

I've noticed that shit here isn't getting any better,Saeyoung had a fucking panic attack a week ago,Seojun won't stop blaming himself,Saeran won't talk and the triplets went out to search for M/n,and Yoosung seems dead...which is terrifying....
Everyone is stressed out and-

"What happened?"

"S-saeran!H-he's gone!"I jumped up and ran to M/n's room to see for sure!I checked the closet and then bathroom!Only Elly was in the room!
"Oh shit...Call everyone,now!"

"O-okay!"I called the police and my security guard's.

~Mini time skip~
Once I was done talking to the police I set them away because they we're no help.
"Saeran,has ran off and I'm pretty sure to go find V and M/n like the other three."

"M-my brother I-is g-gone!!!!"Saeyoung Started panicking again.
"Dammit!Calm him down!We don't need anyone to panic...we need level heads to figure where they could of gone and where M/n and V are."
Yoosung...how could I forget...his eyes are as dead as the night...he hasn't spoken since we all got together.

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