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She needs you get to him...
She uses him to control you...

|Saeran Pov|
I...I didn't sleep well last night .I feared that someone would kidnap M/n when I fell asleep.
"Jeez I've never seen you look this dead in the morning..."

"Want some coffee?"Jumin offered me a cup and I took it without a problem.
I made a hand grabbing gesture towards M/n and he walked over to me giving me a hug.
"Is that what you want?"I nod against his chest.
"Such a big baby~Oh don't forget you have a commercial to shoot today since I made the call last night your schedule for 4:30."

"Kay~"I forgot to mention that M/n took on the job of being my manager.
I'll be debuting as a up coming male model and new member of Mystic messenger group.Life has been good to me once again but I won't stand for some crazed Bitch trying to take him away...Nope not happening....
Hmmmmmm yeah that's not what we're going to let happen...
"Ran are you listening?"

"Well...I am now."

"I was saying that Jay is coming with us to keep me safe and you also have a photo shoot at 6pm and Elly stole your Salmon two minutes ago."
I looked over to see Elly munching away on my damn Salmon.
"Dammit Elly this is the second time this week!"She meowed cutely and went back to eating.M/n laughed and walked out of the kitchen to go get dressed.
"Oh yeah,I almost forgot!"Jumin hands me the knife I had when I started living with them.
"I got it fixed and sharpened for you and I bought you a whole new set as well but I know how much you like this one."I opened the box and saw a beautiful set of daggers.
All black and lined with gold.
On the inner lid there was a note.
Now you can help protect M/n.

I looked up instantly making eye contact with Jumin.
"Take good care of him."

"I will"

|M/n pov|
I threw on some black jeans and F/c shirt that said if I ever had to run for my life I would probably die and some combat boots.
Hm I should do something with my hair today...
I shrugged my shoulder and put my hair into a cute messy bun,grabbed my phone and bag then left my room.
"Ready Ran?"

"Yeah."I walked over to the door and opened it however I knew something stupid was going to happen so I pulled Saeran to the side with me and Yoosung,Zen,Seojun,and Vanderwood all fell in.
"M/N!"They all yelled and everyone was taking at once and I couldn't understand a damn thing.
"Guys I can't-SHUT THE HELL UP!"I yelled because they kept going but now that I caught their attention they all went quiet.
"One at a time or one person tell me what happened."

"JiHyun went into surgery this morning!"

"WHAT!?"With that we all piled into the car an went straight to the hospital.

~Mini time skip~
"Excuse me miss is JiHyun Kim out of surgery?"

"Yes,right this way."We all hurried after the nurse to JiHyun's room and I was the first one in.
"JiHyun?"He was facing the window.
"Such a beautiful morning am I right?"

"JiHyun you say that everyday."

"I know but this time I mean it because I can actually see it clearly."He turned to look at me.
"I never noticed how light in color your hair is and nice shirt by the way."I smiled sweetly knowing he can see it this time.
"Idiot,your the one who bought it for me~"

"Oh I did?"I nod and run over to give him a hug.
"I'm so happy you can see better now."I called Jaehee and Luciel telling them the good news.
Once everyone was together we had a small celebration before me and Saeran had to go.
"I'll be back in a few hours JiHyun,so rest up."

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