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The day was normal and all really seemed fine that's until someone shows up...

JiHyun stayed over last night and there was no problem of where he was going to sleep since Saeran sleeps in my room.

"Morning,Saeran must be sleep?"

"Yeah he's not the easiest to wake up,come on I'll make you breakfast!"I pulled JiHyun to the kitchen and made him sit down.
I never understood why he calls me a special Star child....I'm not that special...matter of fact...my mother was crazy over me and called me her special gem...
I finished cooking and turned to face him.
"Hey JiHyun can I sing for you?"

"You never have to ask me that just sing,I love hearing your voice~"
I walked over and grabbed his hand and we started to waltz.

~Play song at very top~

If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love

When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
Like you
Love like you

He spun me around and we slowly moved to the living room.

I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you

Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special?

I placed my head on his chest as we moved

If I could begin to do
Something that does right by you
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love

When I see the way you look
Shaken by how long it took
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you

Love like you
Love me like you~

He spun me one more time and it ended in a dip....I looked into his eyes and blushed and so did he.
"You love harder than anyone I'll ever know...M/n...you know how to love but you never felt the love coming back to you..."JiHyun smiled sweetly and kissed my forehead softly.
"Come on let's eat~"I ran off an woke up the cat like Saeran and we ate breakfast.
"Hmm where mama cat?"

"You know what Saeran I have no clue...I swear he was here last night."
And speaking of cat mama himself,he stumbled through the door and the first Thing i saw on his neck...was a hickey!!!!!I jumped up so quick feeling Getty about my brother getting some action.
"Jumin!!!!!!Who's you're secret lover!?
Is he/she pretty/handsome?!Tell me,tell me!"Saeran joined me with the last part since we're like his kittens and all.

"I have no clue what your talking about."I pouted and took a step closer and he took one back.He's hiding something
Smirked and got closer to him along with Saeran.There was a strong smell one I know very well~
"I know who your lover is!!!!"

"Don't you dare,I'll give you anything!!"

"First,That won't work because you already give me anything and everything,second it's Zen!!!!So tell me were you the Uke or the Seme?!"
Jumin blush and walked straight past me and I could tell by the way he was walking that he wasn't the Uke.
"Well he's not the Uke that's for sure."

"How can you tell?"Saeran and JiHyun asked.
"Simple,he can still walk straight."They both started laughing at my every so contradicting joke.
"Pfff-Jumin Han dose gay now~"I fell to the floor holding my stomach laughing at Saeran's joke.

|JiHyun pov|
After teasing Jumin for an hour straight.Saeran went back to sleep since it was indeed the weekend and me and M/n went out for bit.
"It's such a beautiful day!"

"Yes very beautiful."I wasn't talking about the sky...I was referring to him...
"You really think so?"He pushed a strand of hair out of his face and I nod.
"I know your not talking about the day,Jigs up~"

"Finally~"He playfully punched my shoulder as we walked side by side.
"Hey...JiHyun...if you won't get your eyes fixed for you...c-could you possibly do it for me?Because I know your struggling...I hate to see you struggle."I stopped moving and looked at his sweet face.He was right I was struggling badly with my sight.
"Okay,I'll do it for you,I promise~"He smiles and pulls me down the street and to the hospital so I could make a appointment For a week from now.

After that we walked around town.I saw someone that looked familiar...
"Seojun?"I thought at first the once I looked a bit harder it was a girl with the same face but her hair was white with brown tips...
I have a twin sister but she died in a car accident...
Seojuns voice rung in my head.
His sister...is alive!!!
I pulled M/n around the corner to hide.

"Shit we have to get the others together now."He nods and we run back to Jumin and called everyone.

~Time skip~
Everyone was now gathered in the house most of all Luciel...Was it awkward...yes,yes it was but everyone needed to hear this.

|No ones pov|
"Now tell us what's going on."Seojun said felling nervous like everyone else.M/n nods at JiHyun.
"Seojun,your sister was waking around the city...She is indeed alive and well...but it looked as if she's looking for something or someone,so everyone must update on where or who their with at all times just in case she's after one of us,But if that not the case and she is harmless,bring her here so we can question her."Everyone except for Luciel nods.

"Honestly I don't see the problem,You brought Saeran here and told no one about it."

"Cut your shit,this is serious!If Saeran didn't do what ever mint eyes wanted him to do,they could of sent here to do the job!"Once again M/n snapped at Luciel for not taking this seriously.
It wasn't a surprise to anyone but M/n even though he loved the red head,he was sick and tired of his nonchalant attitude about everything.
"Why are you always against me huh?Why couldn't you tell me about Saeran?!Or anything else?!Your just letting them take advantage of you..."
M/n was hurt badly once again by his words but didn't let it show.He took a deep breath in order to keep his voice from shaking.
".....Get out....."

"M-m/n I didn't-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE!"M/n yelled at the top of his lugs.Luciel wasted no time and left immediately with his head held low.
M/n locked the door and sat there for a moment took a deep breath once again and Turned around..
"That...is really getting old,I honestly don't know what to do about Saeyoung anymore....but right now we need to focus on no one getting kidnapped or hurt.So we need a plan."

No one dared to ask if he was alright and started coming up with a plan to keep everyone safe.

~Time skip~
By the time everything was put together Saeran and Yoosung were sleeping next to each other with Jaehee trying to wake Yoosung.
Seojun ends up picking Yoosung up and Taking him to the car and Jaehee along with Zen joined them.
JiHyun puts Saeran in M/n's bed and sits in the living with the chestnut brown haired male.
"You've been yelling at him allot more than usual."JiHyun said a bit surprised.M/n shrugs and leans on V's shoulder.
"Yeah I guess...but if no one can get to him I think I can...maybe...I'm only doing this to help him..."His voice was low and then to silent.He had fallen asleep.

With everyone now on hight alert,their normal days are once again over...

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