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If its possible for feelings to overflow so much that you're

Drowning in it.

And if so,

How do you make it stop?

If humans can stare lasers;

Cutting through air and across the room,

Connecting instantly,

Then shattering like glass.

If everything is divisible,

Broken down into molecules and atoms.

Because something so perfect,

Such as you,

Can't be whole.

It must be millions of little laughters

And crayola red and desert sunrise and two wildflowers tucked behind my ear while I breathe smoke into the sky

And two fingers placed on your temple when your origami brain folds up and the glow of a neon sign that says "fuck it" when you pulled me close in the corner of a party I don't remember

Working together to make harmonious


If life has a purpose.

Or would it be better to drive away,

To drive until the roads turn black

And the sun sets, the light casting a shadow down from your nose and my head resting on  your shoulder.

Inhaling the desperation we both reek of

Until the world collapses into itself.

Alternatively titled --- M O N I S M

A/N --- the theory that everything is divisible into infinite parts is called Monism. Because if you have two things, there needs to be a space between those two things to make them distinct, or else they'd just be the same. But there needs to be a space between one of the two things and the thing thats between them, or the same logic applies as before. And so you never reach an end conclusion just discover more things, each smaller and smaller, until you arrive at infinity.

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